Saturday, March 15, 2008

Er ......

I hadn't said who the Works books were by but as it could've only have been by one person to fit the criteria I've mentioned I guess it doesn't really matter. I must've deleted it while I was editing.

Anyway .. now .. there can be no doubt .. or have two guys ... who write books in the spiritual line focusing on life after death, appear on tv and mention Leamington Spa in the first chapter of one of their books .. or mention it at all and will be coming here again shortly .. have had two different books on sale at The Works at the same time.

I sometimes delete whole sentences if the writing pad isn't working too well when I'm editing .. sometimes I just continue in edit .. but occasionally things do go and aren't written back in.

One book'll be going to the chapel .. it would've been nice to have had the magazines though .. not just for me but for everyone. I wish I'd said yes now.