Thursday, April 03, 2008

Back from the docs

Got in to a rather upset friend .. so me evening has been taken up with the personal rather than the political in quite a few ways.

Went to the docs and got a bit of food in before. Seem a bit better on me feet too though the pain ain't too good and I'm so very sleepy.

Picked up a couple more books as they're back in again and cheaper this time ... £2.99 each. Sigh .. I'll have a couple to take back with me now!!!


I first met the woman I spoke to last ages ago.

Anyway I'm really tired and I'm not going to stay up late

I got what looks like an excellent book about meditation from the secondhand bookshop in Warwick on me last trip to the hospital and I can curl up and read a bit of that even if I can't sleep.

There was a Richard Hittleman Yoga book there too ... all takes me back a bit.