Saturday, April 05, 2008

No ... not talking!!!

Actually .. what I've said is that as they already know everything I've put up on the web they can use that .. much as I said at the beginning. It's more than most people say. I'm just not well enough right now .. and I'll just be saying manyana .... manyana. It would've been so interesting though to hear more myself. But I'm not well enough right now.

And I know from talking that there are plenty of people .. I mean oodles of them with corresponding experiences. It's interesting to have a few more .. but it's still oodles of the same.

I've given the books to people without computers and generally of my age and older. People who've sat and talked to me and shared. It's been interesting and the books have been an afterthought . And its nice to have help urself sometimes .. even though I often seem to be pottering off in the other direction. Or who've known someone in my family or knows someone who knows someone .... etc .... lol!!!!

And I've got a couple to take back ... now me arm's on the move again I'll try and do me little books as personal presents for those who've been there for me... but I'm gonna have to do some photocopies.

I mean this is so not unusual

Even when mum told me about hers I never carried the conversationon or talked about it to other people and for some reason or other never spoke to Lin about her and her family's experiences and/or beliefs .... I guess ... and this is just a guess ... that it came about during WW2 .. her family had something that made them want to stay. I never asked though. And I regret it now.