Saturday, June 14, 2008

Another cold

Yesterday I didn't blog after I got up or get in contact with many people cause the pain broke through quite a bit and I was feeling quite queasy for most of the day. It got better towards the evening and I went out and got some shopping. Then .. I woke up and thought that maybe I hadn't put it all away in the fridge but I had. I wonder if that was down to a dream .. couldn't say as I couldn't remember .. as usual. Mum hardly ever remembered her dreams either me brother says so maybe it's genetic. lol!! I'm glad I don't though .. hearing what other people sometimes dream about. The nearest I've come to that is the two times I've had night paralysis .. and that wasn't bad either compared to what I've read about it. No hallucinations or anything that bad .. just not being able to move and the feeling of tightness in my chest. They say to try and blink an eyelid or make a noise in your throat or move a finger to get out of it. Otherwise just try to relax.

What has happened is that you've woken up during REM sleep .. when you're more likely to be dreaming .. I still didn't remember my dreams the two times I experienced it!!! lol!! you'd think ..but never mind,

I've just sneezed .. explains me lack of doing anything much yesterday then .. I've got a bit of a cold .. and I'm not the only one round here by a long way. And again!!! .. but things are holding out well .. me insides are behaving though it's added to the pain and I'm feeling rather queasy. I've taken my cyclizine (anti sickness pill) and hopefully that is helping. I took it about an hour ago .. you should only take these every six hours .. so I can't take another. Sometimes they don't work .. dunno if this is because I've been sick before they have a chance to .. or if sometimes the spasms are so strong they over ride the pills. With my illnesses there in the background there could be other reasons too I guess. The steroids weaken muscles .. as I said before they are very different from the steroids people take to build muscles .. and have totally different side effects .. mood wise as well as physically. Possibly my tummy muscles are weak and this stops the pills having quite such a good effect as if they weren't.

Anyway back to sleep paralysis .. it seems that this can happen when you're sleeping patterns aren't regular .. it's common in people doing shift work. Usually starts early in life .. in the teens and gets less after that .. it's estimated though that between 3% and 5% of people, possibly around three million people in the UK might experience this once or twice a week and that around half of the population will experience it at some time though it'll just be once or twice. It generally happens when you sleep on your back and have disruptive sleep patterns. I guess mine having started so late in life is due to me being woken up by the pain and maybe the amount of pain relief I'm on has slowed me down some when waking. I dunno .. anyway it's only happened twice. Ususally they say that going to bed at the same time will help prevent it .. but, possibly, in my case it mightn't help. But I should try to mae sure that I keep my pill taking to the same times everyday. Can't help it if I oversleep .. but I can try to get myself to bed near enough the same time every night.

No more sneezes!!! And I haven't been sick or retched .. still feel a bit queasy though but there's been no signs of any spasms being set off. I wonder if the medication doesn't work so well if you have a bug too. The pain was bad yesterday at times.

I started writing about something totally different .. then changed my mind .. but, I'll come back to that later.