Tuesday, June 10, 2008

To sneeze or not to sneeze!!!!

I stayed up too late again last night!! Still slept for a reasonable time but I need eight hours I think!!! Maybe if I'd gone for healing my mind would've been better attuned, huh. I was told that we heal ourselves .. and, that is true. Healing isn't just about physical healing .. as I said before .. if that was the case .. no-one would ever be ill!!! It's about our attitude to what has happened to us too. I've been sent absent healing by quite a few people .. and, I guess, knowing that has helped my attitude. Trouble is I guess it just depends how people react .. if they think that healing means you don't have to do anything yourself then there's going to be a problem.

There was a workshop over the weekend I wish I'd gone to. £10 for about 4 hours .. absolutely astounded me. Just the price shows what good feeling there is. It was about christian archetypes. Oh, well .. maybe it wasn't for me really thinking along those lines. I tend not to go along that route though ofcourse it's everybody's own choice which belief system they choose to follow. And that's fine by me .. "be that it hurt none" .. which I believe comes from the pagan religion Wicca .. which is a good sentiment. I think they say "Do what you will be all the law be that it hurt none" .. or something very similar. It's one of the things that stuck in my mind when I was investigating that side of things.

I was looking at the paintings again last night .. still haven't handed them over .. lol .. they're beautiful. He prints the original paintings off the computer using different colour schemes. They are lovely. I bagged the purple print fer me brother cause he likes purple. I liked the face in the clouds too .. it had a bit of turquoise in it too .. my favourite colours are purple and turquoise. I didn't have a favourite print. The bluebell fields one is nice too .. no faces in clouds in this one. It's beautiful .. and in the original colours it was painted in I should think as is the one of the walk by the river here. I wish I could go down there again but I couldn't at the moment because of the difficulty getting around.

I feel queasy again this morning and have wretched once. I hope I'm going to keep my pills down!! I'll just sit here for a while and hope everything stays down .. it probably means that I have a sneeze coming. I went out again yesterday .. and ate all my meal again .. and got back without too many problems. Soon be heating up fer meself again I reckon!!! I was really ill the time I just got back to the flat before things got really nasty. Well, it's happened twice in the last couple of weeks .. but the first time was the worst. Maybe I should've phoned for an ambulance to be on the safe side .. the pain became really bad but then faded away down again. It's difficult to now what to do.

Still haven't sneezed .. but I reckon there's one waiting to happen .. often is if I've got a bit of a cold .. in the morning when I get up. This time nothing has happened though.