Saturday, June 14, 2008

The peace festival

Me brother and I were talking about the old days here this week. He was very friendly with the people who started the Peace Festival off as I've mentioned before. He still knows a lot of people here and I kinda get to know a bit about life here through him. I've never lived here til I came up to look after mum because they arrived here after I'd left home .. me brother's quite a lot younger than me. He tells me about life back in the day here when the Corn Mother was here and things like that and tells me quite a bit about life now.

Like me he doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs but he did once and will talk about it .. life is much better for him now than it was then .. he says he was self medicating then .. and that's the way it was. I just never liked doing that anyway .. so didn't for the main part. I drank socially into my twenties and then stopped, same with ciggies. And you could be on the alternative scene without doing illegal drugs. I went the Richard Hittleman way and was interested in yoga etc.

We haven't always been close but we chat quite a bit now .. he's quite ill himself so things are limited. I find when the peace festival comes round though that all the old memories come back because this is what I associate him most with here. I've talked about his involvement in the past.

I'll potter down today and have a look round .. it's here today and tomorrow .. maybe get meself another pair of trousers if there's any I like there.
The peace festival is this weekend.