Friday, September 05, 2008


It's going to be a wet day. Not that that comes as any surprize .. but wetter than usual it appears .. two weeks of rain which would normally fall in September falling in 24 hours. Glad I did go and get me shopping last night .. it was tempting to just go back to the flat but I thought as I had me umbrella I might as well go for it. Not sure if I want to try and dash out in any gaps in the rain .. will see how I feel. At least there's no need to.

We talked a bit about healthy eating last night so going straight into Tesco was quite a good idea. Also talked about something she'd been up late thinking about the night before .. didn't get me to bed any earlier though. I really must have an afternoon nap or go to bed earlier. I have been drifting off to sleep on the sofa quite a bit lately but guess it's better to try and turn in earlier. Slept in reasonably late this morning too but I really should get to bed earlier.

I've met her family .. though quite briefly as we had things to rush to do .. which reminds me again that I really must eat some veggies every day even if I'm feeling very tired. I worked out the best way to do that .. well, for me .. and I'll see if I can stick to it.