Monday, September 08, 2008

zzz zzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz hopefully

Was going to go for a cup of hot chocolate .. but decided that I was too tired this evening. It's the colds that have been getting me .. and not going to bed when I should .. maybe .. hum!!!! I'd've been late for sure if I'd gone out this evening .. better just to doze here. An glad I got my little bit of sorting out for today too.

My new furry is very nice .. a furry ornament with meaning .. well, for me and the people who gave it to me, and, well, other people too.

Boy .. though, I am sleepy .. it's nothing to do with the sorting cause that wasn't really that energetic. I'm just a bit on the sleepy side today .. strangely yesterday evening I was raring to go at the games then this morning I felt exhausted again.

Well .. been dozing. lol!!! Better here I guess.