Saturday, September 06, 2008


Just fell asleep for a couple of hours. Good thing causeI was so tired. I was dreaming too .. or thinking rather than dreaming when I woke up .. makes a change .. usually I don't remember my dreams at all. Just like mum my brother tells me. He remembers his and has pleasant ones .. but some people seem to have such nasty ones that I'm glad that I don't.

Was thinking about OBEs still. I suppose I would like one really. Not that sort .. but the type where you appear to leave your body for a short time and then return .. but stay in the same room. I think they are the most common and would do for me. One in ten people experiences them. I wonder if that would be higher really .. people don't talk much outside of their families and close friends about them and that might carry over into answering researchers if they thought they would have to tell the other person all about them. I'm not sure that some of the people I've met who've had them would really want to as they consider them very personal.

I'd not heard of one quite like the one in the book before .. I suppose that would be classed as an OBE .. but it's not really your consciousness being separated from your body as in what I'd always thought of as an OBE. And that is what I'd like to experience. This is something else. It's said that one in three people have experiences like this .. again I'd think it's higher because some people I know don't talk about them outside family and close friends. When I said not to talk about them with people you don't trust it seemed that quite a few people already keep to that anyway.

Like my friends brother in law that told about his experience but know won't. My brother tends to talk about his with close friends and me too. Wish I'd listened to people more back in the 70s .. wish I'd talked to me mum and to Lin more .. they both kind of opened the doors to discussion .. but then I didn't have anything much to go on. I didn't even mention that I'd read Dr Moody's books on NDEs to many people .. just kind of kept them in my mind. When I started having my own .. very simple things and, looking back, quite funny really .. I didn't want to know. Said so .. "f**k off universe" was what I said .. and it did!! lol!! I found the idea of there being more frightening for some reason or other .. when really it'd have made more sense the other way round I guess .. what was happening was funny and very thoughtful .. but it scared mr .. and I wasn't someone who was very easily scared. I suppose because I wasn't given time to accept it all .. I didn't tell anyone for a very long time either .. not til a couple of years ago .. sorry folks about that to the people who I knew then. Sorry about that folks .. but we've talked about these things since .. seems people don't talk til prompted sometimes. Not even sure why I didn't tell people .. even a little while later when I looked around the pagan world .. I still didn't talk about it all.

There was such an element of secrecy there that it put me off anyway. And, like most religions, there was so much in squabbling .. my way's better than your way .. that I was left quite confounded. After applying to join the Servants of Light and being given a questionaire that was atad tooenquiring for my liking .. and not about my attitudes to life which I would have thought was what they'd want to know. I think their course mainly focused on the Kabbalah .. which is what Madonna practices. I thought they were rather snobbish going by the questionaire I was given so didn't bother to join .. couldn't quite understand the questionaire in relation to the course.

I thought their criteria for joining seemed a bit odd given it was meant to be a spiritual journey. Didn't trust em I guess!!! lol!!! But felt I could trust the guy in the Angel book after reading his account .. they published extracts his letters .. and reading a bit more about him. I have no idea if he talked about it much from his student days, when it happened, to his old age, when he wrote the letter .. but the extracts from his letters, short though they were .. not much space was given to any story so I only got to read the initial account rather than the full correspondence about the subject between the two of them .. but he seemed very down to earth about it all. Wonder what he made of it as the years went on. I'm quite interested in how scientists explain things like this that happen to them.

Anyway .. off to bed for me .. even with my evening sleep I think it's time to turn in.