Monday, November 17, 2008


Pottered over to Tesco to get soe bread .. wasn't going to be out long but met one of my friends while I was out and went for a cup of coffee/hot chocolate. She obviously didn't have enough money to buy me a drink this evening but she wouldn't let me buy her one and insisted that she'd buy me one next time even though she usually does. She says she likes to get me a drink cause she finds talking to me helps her a lot. lol!!!!! Seems I'm in a bit of a Catch 22 situation here .. ok .. she can buy the next drink but I'll get the one after that .. somehow!!!! What she says appears to be true from her point of view but I enjoy being with her .. so I think I should be able to buy her a cup of coffee!!!!!

Otherwise I can see one of The Works books looming on the horizon .. they cost near enough the same .. something she said today made me think that it might a good right idea .. better than a cup of coffee maybe.

Talking her life out with her is good for me too really because it re-enforces some of my own attitudes to getting through life that seem to work ok and that's kinda useful.

Hey, look though ... I sneezed this morning and this evening I was out having a cup of hot chocolate with a friend. I'm not counting on this meaning that I'll never have to go back into hospital because I have a cold .. a couple of people I know have a bug that's made them a bit sick .. I'm not sure what would happen if I came down with something like that .. or, maybe, even just a cold .. I'm not counting myself out of the woods on that score at all just yet. It went on for a long time. Something has changed .. it has to have done. I don't know if I've exercised my muscles enough to have more room to let the spasms ripple on ok when I puff up with a cold. If it's the position they're in I guess there could be occasions while they're relaxing a bit where the spasms will still get stuck while I have a cold.

I haven't done any exercising .. the most I do is a few stretching exercises .. today or my EFT .. did a bit of meditation this morning though.

Anyway .. got my stuff from Tesco .. got crumpets rather than bread .. will have them with a bit of Marmite and some soya rashers along with the soya mince and veggies. Think I'm starting to eat better again .. stopped eating much for a while again which with my illness is obviously a very bad idea. Don't eat much dairy now .. was eating quite a lot for a while but have cut it right down again .. not completely .. not sure if I'll ever go back to being a vegan again .. I have to wait until the symptoms of the auto immune illness have cleared up because the docs don't want my body going through another change how things are at the moment.

Just taken my meds and am now going to put dinner on.