Sunday, November 09, 2008


Not going out .. very sleepy and rather queasy so I reckon the best thing to do is to curl up here for the evening. Guess the cold's not gone yet though I've not sneezed today. Have been a bit queasy though.

Went over to Tesco .. there was quite a wind, quite cold too .. was glad to have me fleece under my jacket rather than my cardie .. it'd been a bit of a toss up before going out .. fleece .. cardie .. cardie .. fleece but with that wind blowing I think I was better off with my fleece. Don't always feel the cold that much but it's a bit different when there's a bit of a wind blowing

Going to go and get dinner .. soya mince and veggies and crumpets and a mug of tomato soup I think . haven't eaten much today and that will be nice and warming and nutritious.

Think the wind's stronger than it was earlier on .. keep on hearing it blowing round the building. Sort of night where it's better to be indoors with a mug of soup I guess .. specially if you're not feeling very well.