Monday, December 15, 2008


Still feeling rather buggy. Took meds into the bedroom last night again so that I could take them before I got up .. probably will do this every night again now. I always have some oramorph there but think I'll fill a bottle of water and have the first lot of pills ready too again.

Another 45 mins or there about to the next lot.

Seem to have got over the shock of that guy and his book. Haven't asked if anyone has a first printing of the book .. still waiting for my own copy of the book too. Oh .. while searching for the first message board I came across another where someone said that things had been reworked so that they appear more accurate.

Oh well .. that's two threads where people are saying this.

I am further along in my own conscious belief that there is life after death than I was when I came cross this guy a couple or so weeks ago. I guess it was my conscious feelings he weirded out rather than my subconscious ones.

Have taken my second lot of meds .. going to do a little bit of tidying up now.