Well, I thought I might be going to lose my best friend on that site over that woman ... but all is good. I knew that they'd been friends once even though she seemed to lose patience with her a lot. I logged on with baited breath this evening ... but there she was as usual and friendlier, if anything, than before. I explained with a bit more detail what had happened and I think she was just pleased that she didn't fit into anything that I was complaining about.
Woo Hoo!!!!
You tube seems to be having problems with lots of the videos at the moment. Either they won't play or they stop and start a lot. The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band one usually plays fine if you just start it a bit further on from the beginning and then'll be ok on further plays .. though that doesn't work for all of the vids that are having problems though ... just some of them.
Will The Cirle be Unbroken also gave me different related videos suggestions when it finished the first time I played it this time instead of the ususal Arlo Guthrie/Willie Nelson etc you usually get I got a selection of anti racist videos .. one was Martin Luther King .. don't know what the others were cause I played Will the Circle be Unbroken again and we were back to Arlo Guthrie and Willie Nelson again!!!!!
I had my last experience around this song. I expeted people to say that I'd flipped .. though I knew for sure that this had happened. I was just told that I'd had what I thought confirmed. Well, it sure looks that way.
One person behaved strangely but then that didn't come as any great surprize as she is rather a control freak. She told me that her kettle had suddenly appeared in her hall after she'd left it in the kitchen and she asked me if anything like that had ever happened to me ... I had to say no. Her daughter had a friend round to tea that day and that made me a bit suspicious ...lol!!!! When I tried to get the subject back on to her rather than me a bit later on she just changed the topic of conversation. I wanted to ask, after thinking about it, if the friend had been near the kettle after they'd brought the cups of tea into the front room. She'd said earlier that the friend had ran out of the house and hadn't come back after the kettle had appeared in the hall. Maybe she'd put it there as joke. But she wouldn't talk about it later. She says things are always turning up all over the house where she is at the moment but didn't at the house they were in before. Items changed to protect her privacy but you get the picture.
I've had a few incidents like this with her just ignoring me after she's got to know what she wants to ... so I'm leaving her in limbo this time.
And .. guess what? Two days later she's over with my best friend thre after telling me that she's too busy to be there!!! Hum!!!! I'd asked her a few days before if it was for a reason she'd already mentioned ... not saying here .. or anything else ... and I just got the answer ... I'm too busy ... back!!!
I had wondered earlier because of the way she phrases things if she has dyspraxia like SMK .. my pal from years ago who looked like that sci fi drawing on the front of the computer arts mag that I mentioned years ago in an early blog. But I don't think it's anything like that now ... just a personality trait. SMK would never have pulled the turning up on me best friend's page and contacting her out of the blue when she knew she'd annoyed me stunt or anything like it.
I was surprized to see her there I must say..
Anyway, all that appears to be finally sorted out as far as I'm concerned. There's more to it obviously but that's how it all finishd. I hadn't exchanged private info with these two people for obvious reasons. I wonder if they treat people like that off the net too.
As far as my experience goes I'm going to start searching the web to try and find people with similar ones. I had asked to be "shown again" probably really because of my friend's illness. It was very soon after he'd told me and I'd asked before getting up that morning. I really did expect people to think I'd flipped when i told them ... but no. It must take a lot of trust in a person to believe that.
Wow!!! Thanks.
Right .... cup of soup and getting the meds ready for tomorrow time.
Woo Hoo!!!!
You tube seems to be having problems with lots of the videos at the moment. Either they won't play or they stop and start a lot. The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band one usually plays fine if you just start it a bit further on from the beginning and then'll be ok on further plays .. though that doesn't work for all of the vids that are having problems though ... just some of them.
Will The Cirle be Unbroken also gave me different related videos suggestions when it finished the first time I played it this time instead of the ususal Arlo Guthrie/Willie Nelson etc you usually get I got a selection of anti racist videos .. one was Martin Luther King .. don't know what the others were cause I played Will the Circle be Unbroken again and we were back to Arlo Guthrie and Willie Nelson again!!!!!
I had my last experience around this song. I expeted people to say that I'd flipped .. though I knew for sure that this had happened. I was just told that I'd had what I thought confirmed. Well, it sure looks that way.
One person behaved strangely but then that didn't come as any great surprize as she is rather a control freak. She told me that her kettle had suddenly appeared in her hall after she'd left it in the kitchen and she asked me if anything like that had ever happened to me ... I had to say no. Her daughter had a friend round to tea that day and that made me a bit suspicious ...lol!!!! When I tried to get the subject back on to her rather than me a bit later on she just changed the topic of conversation. I wanted to ask, after thinking about it, if the friend had been near the kettle after they'd brought the cups of tea into the front room. She'd said earlier that the friend had ran out of the house and hadn't come back after the kettle had appeared in the hall. Maybe she'd put it there as joke. But she wouldn't talk about it later. She says things are always turning up all over the house where she is at the moment but didn't at the house they were in before. Items changed to protect her privacy but you get the picture.
I've had a few incidents like this with her just ignoring me after she's got to know what she wants to ... so I'm leaving her in limbo this time.
And .. guess what? Two days later she's over with my best friend thre after telling me that she's too busy to be there!!! Hum!!!! I'd asked her a few days before if it was for a reason she'd already mentioned ... not saying here .. or anything else ... and I just got the answer ... I'm too busy ... back!!!
I had wondered earlier because of the way she phrases things if she has dyspraxia like SMK .. my pal from years ago who looked like that sci fi drawing on the front of the computer arts mag that I mentioned years ago in an early blog. But I don't think it's anything like that now ... just a personality trait. SMK would never have pulled the turning up on me best friend's page and contacting her out of the blue when she knew she'd annoyed me stunt or anything like it.
I was surprized to see her there I must say..
Anyway, all that appears to be finally sorted out as far as I'm concerned. There's more to it obviously but that's how it all finishd. I hadn't exchanged private info with these two people for obvious reasons. I wonder if they treat people like that off the net too.
As far as my experience goes I'm going to start searching the web to try and find people with similar ones. I had asked to be "shown again" probably really because of my friend's illness. It was very soon after he'd told me and I'd asked before getting up that morning. I really did expect people to think I'd flipped when i told them ... but no. It must take a lot of trust in a person to believe that.
Wow!!! Thanks.
Right .... cup of soup and getting the meds ready for tomorrow time.
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