Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Youtube and the PRS

If you click on the music service that Real Player provides you find that nearly everything you click on in the music news comes back with the message .. we're sorry but this service isn't available in the UK.

Last night I started getting the same message from Youtube as I clicked around some of the videos. Ah .. so the negotiations between Youtube and the Performing Rights Society have come to an end without being able to come to an acceptable compromise for either side would be willing to accept.

Well, I woke up this morning to find out that they are still in the middle of their negotiations as far as the PRS is concerned though Google, the owners of Youtube, are saying that there's no way they can accept the deal that's being offered them because they'd be losing a lot of money.

The Performing Rights Society site


I don't know if the current economic depression is behind Google's and the PRS's actions. Though Google itself made a good profit last year, Youtube wasn't doing very well comparitively because they weren't making as much from the ads as they'd hoped .. they are trying to find a way of including advertising on the Youtube site which will catch the eye easily without being too obtrusive. I suppose they might go on to having a system that you'll be ad free if you pay to join Youtube but if you want to watch free you'll have to watch an ad before every video or every few videos.

I'm not quite sure what Google hopes to gain from this. I enjoy quite a bit of Youtube content but I don't think I'll bother that much with the site is the majority of the music videos are legally off limits to me cause I live in the UK. Not quite sure what that will mean for Youtube and their UK ads if most people here stop visiting the site much cause they can't watch the music videos they'd like to.

Anyway, we'll have to see what happens. Maybe they'll come to a compromise .. maybe they won't.

It's a bit difficult to see what's going to happen. I believe Google feel the whole problem is down to the PRS uping their fees much, much too much when Youtube is still trying to make a good profit from their service. Google, itself, is still doing well despite the economic downturn, infact beating economic forecasts, but they are having a bit of a problem trying to get Youtube on it's feet financially compared with the rest of the company. Possibly cause the videos are a major distraction away from the advertising. They obviously don't want to make it a paying site, at least, not yet anyway .. and might not if they can ride out the economic downturn. A paying site wouldn't be good as far as their hopes to have things like competitions to find and promote new bands from which they obviously hope to make a big profit from.

I wonder why, if it's a fact, that the PRS think that a company will accept an offer that is a huge hike up in monetary costs and means that Google will be losing money.

We will have to see what happens!!!!!!!!!!