Friday, April 03, 2009


Well, I'm going for a Ms. YANW free zone for a few days. Best thing I think. Not going to read her profile for a few days.

I know this is all hard for her friends and they're going to take ages to get over it.. I've been reading some of her public messages .. and, boy, is she good at playing with peoples emotions .. sending loving messages and praising them .. and doing it really well. I can see why it's hard to take in that this isn't what she's like at all while it's so new.

Didn't process last nights thoughts in me sleep .. well, not to coming up with any new answers .. but I do realize now that it doesn't matter if spirit does try to contact people .. or if they know about other peoples experiences cause what happens will always be processed through their own beliefs and morals and accepted or rejected .. just because it's spirit doesn't mean they're gonna change what someone thinks .. it's upto the person involved how they process it and a closed mind will be just that in all ways.

You have to do the work urself. lol!!!

That's a very simple way of looking at it .. but it has to be along those lines.

If you believe in spirit at all.
