Thursday, August 27, 2009


People who haven't spoken to me for a while often want to know if I'm still interested in life after death and react happily when I say that I am. Don't seem to need any thing else from me so I guess are just checking that I'm OK with it for my own sake rather than just for their own happiness.

It's nice hearing the happiness in their voices anyway. Sometimes I have my doubts though I'm not sure why cause there comes a time when you have to say that not taking note is pretty silly. It's no stranger not being able to explain that than it is not being able to explain what started all this off in the first place.

It's been interesting discussing the books and learning either through what's been said or people's reactions to it.

I guess it can't really be done if you use a lot of mind altering substances because it's difficult to know what's real or not. Neither is it easy if you're spiteful because that must take priority in the mind. . If you play games and twist things a lot it's hard to react to this kind of thing in a useful way because people twist things so much that the brain seems to just do it by preference. Guess it's something to do with building those neural pathways again.

The exception to this appears to be NDEs but even then it can happen it seems. Though ofcourse these people might not be telling the truth about having had one. I've found two people being caught out in the same way. It seems to be something they can't quite get their heads around when trying to imagine what would happen. I'd've thought that logic would've helped them out here but it seems not and I think it is because while they're very used to twisting things this is so outside everyday experience that they have nothing in their memory to fall back upon that will help them automatically from the subconscious.

The mistake is very odd but I discovered with one guy that some people who appeared to be the same way inclined couldn't pick the mistake out .. or, at least. not to start with, when it was very, very obvious, I thought this very strange.

They make lots of mistakes though which I'd've thought they would be wise to in themselves. But I think some of it maybe that they think you're so unimportant that it doesn't really matter or they think other people are so silly that they won't even notice or won't care.