Sunday, September 20, 2009


I guess I'll get it sorted one day .. it's just rather daunting .. going into it all especially as I am ill. Going back, the healing thing does bother me .. it's not the first time this has come up in the news .. I remember because it surprized me a bit .. I'd've thought that people who went for healing would be interested in their health and healthy living .. but there you go.

This is the most recent BBC link

It's not just healing though .. can be politics too surprizingly. Someone I know knows a young guy who was diagnosed schizophrenic not so long ago and he was encouraged to stop his meds because people said it was "the man's" .. society's way of controlling you. He stopped them and became ill .. is back on them and ok now.

I'll still go to healing but I'll look after myself too. I do believe that the positive effects do hekp the person, where it's possible, to heal .. after all placebos have been proved to help in some medical cases so I'd expect a belief in healing to do so too .. but it helps to follow medical advice as well. Guess I think researching for yourself doesn't do any harm and talking to the doctor about it if you have any worries.