Sunday, November 13, 2005

In the wrong place?

Totally possibly. I just feel culturally out of place. I'm not talking about not being in the city at the moment but just being here at all. I suppose it's down to listening to and reading all that I did yesterday, and, ofcourse, yesterday being the 12th.

Being out of the city is part of it maybe. I passed two young black guys as I left New Street yesterday and I wasn't sure if they'd said something as I was passing. I recognised one of them but couldn't place him. I walked past but turned round and went back and caught up with them as they were about to cross the street. One of them said he knew me but couldn't place me either. We couldn't come up with where we knew each other from. I said I'd be leaving here very soon. Both of them clasped my hand as I left. I wonder who they are and when we met before.

I'll see how I feel when I'm back in town.