Sunday, June 17, 2007

Friendship and when the well's run dry

Now, I don't mind helping other people. Infact I've done a lot of that in my life and I don't regret it but sometimes you realise situations come up where you have to rethink things. I'm annoyed. I've got to the stage with someone where while they're on the phone I feel like waggling my arms in the air and pointing the fingers all over the place.

I've done a lot for this person, got them into hospital, kept an eye on them afterwards and realising things didn't seem right was around to get ambulances when they needed one and no one else was there, possibly saving their life. Well, certainly saving their life I guess. And through the years a hell of a lot more.

Sometimes in a friendship it is about one person for a while if they need help but things even out as time goes on. In this one they haven't. An hour or so on the phone yesterday ... all about them .... naturally. In the end I excused myself to go and make dinner. I realised that they hadn't even asked how I was.

Answer if they had: Well, actually bunged up with morphine etc and a cold, though I managed to sneeze some of that out finally yesterday, fighting a very serious illness and not long out of hospital again. Well, the answer would've been caught in that somewhere.

You know, there's umpteen million billion things to talk about I guess but five minutes could've been given over to me considering the other fortyfive or so was all about them. There was a bit of neutral stuff as well to start off with.

Getting dictorial as well.

Friendship is a two way thing and this one has been too one sided. The well's run dry. There are no comparable problems in their life at the moment. I don't need this.

So, guess I'm not one friend less in my life, just one person less.