Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Aches and pains

My brother hurt his back on Saturday while he was making his bed. He has no idea how he did it at all .. couldn't remember making any quick movements that could have pulled a muscle or anything like that .. he'd hurt his neck a couple of weeks ago and that had cleared up very quickly .. in a couple of days. That time he thought it was just the way he'd been sleepimg over night.

I'm hoping he's not getting arthritis or something along those lines. He's quite a few years younger than me .. but age doesn't seem to count that much for everyone .. I've met so many people who are young who have arthritic complaints or rheumatism recently. Most of them are in their thirties. And I haven't met them through going into hospital .. it's been over the net or just talking round here.

A number have auto immune illnesses too .. but not everyone. Obviously I know people my age and up who have a lot of aches and pains but I'm surprized by the number of people in their thirties who have too and as recognisable illnesses like rheumatism and/or arthritis.

We'd been talking about lupus cause I know/know of a number of people who have that condition now .. and just wondered if auto immune illnesses in general are becoming more common. I know that lupus is in the western world and just wondered about the rest. Lupus and my illness can be caused by solar influences .. but I don't know about other illnesses that come under that category. One woman I know said she thought that auto immune illnesses did seem to be more common .. she has one herself and is still young and has the arthritis that can go with her illness.