Friday, April 18, 2008

Erm ........

When I was cynical about the presence of anything other than what I could see as this life I would still have never said that the possibility of anything else was impossible ... I would've just said that I couldn't be sure ... I didn't actually believe in anything else regardless of what mum and others told me but still I would never have said there was nothing.

They talk about people being able to read you ... well, people can't if they have no idea who you are and even if they did still wouldn't've known about the information they're giving you ... nor can these people control life's events.

No, I didn't see the programme ... just been told about it. About half an hour ago.

Perhaps some people would be better off spending time just being involved. Maybe they'd come away feeling different. I don't know..

I would have written everything that had happened up here but I know for sure the only way to know for yourself is to find out for yourself and that takes time. It's about trust .. isn't it. I share what I've experienced with people I trust and who trust me. OK it's a lot .. and I've forgotten some of it sadly .. if I'd felt ok about blogging about it it'd all be out there ... but I didn't.

First of all because to start off with there wasn't that much to talk about so I was just finding out for myself and I was puzzled and a bit frightened too. Regardless of how down to earth and practical it was.

Also there is so much else out there ... so no point. People, if they really want to know need to give time over to it and get their own experiences ... my saying anything isn't going to make the slightest difference. I've said that I can relate to things people like Gordon Smith have written about so there you have it .. if people believe that then they don't need to know the personal details .. they can buy the book .. it's cheap enough at the moment .. I think £2.50 .. there seem to be lots of that one but not many of his earlier one. Most people must know who he is anyway ... even if I didn't but that's because of I haven't watched TV for ages and only listen to the news and music on the radio.

If what I say seems plausable in that it proves that life continues after death .. then all people have to do is to say I'm lying about what I've experienced .. so what's the point. There's plenty of information out there and if people are really interested they'll take the time to fine out. suposition.

I would have talked about the lot but soon realised that there was no point ... there's enough out there to cover what I'd have to say.

If people really are interested then they would spend time finding out for themselves ... how else can you be sure. That is through talking about it with people they trust .. I said that so they can rule out people lying to them. I've talked to people who I know are really interested because obviously I want people to tell me the truth .. and people have. There are a couple that I can't be really sure about but these were times when not much was elaborated on anyway. The others were just down to earth things.

There are lots of things I have on hold because I really don't know. I read those fate type magazines occasionally and they are full of things that I can't relate to so I put them on one side in my mind. Well, to be honest I can't connect at all with some things and I have reasons for not being able to. But there are other things that I put to one side because I just really don't know.

It's cool discussing things where you know you're being told the truth and that you're part of that. I guess lots of people who read this have been and that is brilliant .. I guess, other people, if they really want to know will carry on.

It would've been daft if I'd written all about it ... because people would have said I was lying if I seemed to be able to prove anything. I said that some of the experiences were very strange and bizzare and that there was no way that they could have been set up etc. That would have been the outcome if I'd said exactly what happened .. so, if that wasn't enough or it wasn't believed .. then telling all about it is going to have the same outcome.

Anyway ... I expect many people have a few tales to add to their pile now or to start one off.

I've just changed my whole way of looking at life ... not in the way NDE'ers do .. but I just realised that what I was experiencing wasn't much compared to the fact of me or anything being here at all.