Saturday, August 16, 2008

A good night's sleep

A long night's sleep and up late .. though in quite a bit of pain .. think I'll go back to keeping the oramorph by the bed instead of having to get up for it .. I always get tempted to stay up too long when I do get up so guess it'll be a good idea all round.

Was happy to find out that my new friend has lots of experiences .. whether she'll want to talk about them in detail I dunno .. guess she might find a lot of them too personal to talk about with someone she's only just met. Especially over the net .. I could be anyone. I know who she is!!!lol!!! Have heard her voice and seen her photo .. though, even then .. ofcourse .. she could be pretending to be this person .. but in reality .. I know she's not!!!! She doesn't know that I know .. but probably guesses that I do ... though I've said nothing.

Didn't want to talk to her about her experience that she'd written about in the book because something sad had happened in her life recently and she was feeling down but looks as if I've supported her and said the right things cause she's ok .. but I suspect there'll be a lot of ups and downs .. but I'll be there if she wants.

Anyway we are skirting around the subject .. if she doesn't want to talk much .. that's fine .. though it does fascinate me. I have plenty of personal experience, though not of that kind .. but I know it can happen cause someone I know wouldn't've lied to me has told me something very similar. It's not in my experience though.


There's plenty to read in books and on the net .. and lots of people have related experiences of one kind or another. It's said that synchronicity often runs in a kind of thread and I've often found this to be so. It 's interesting.

I think I might have another new friend who has quite a lot to say about this kind of thing too. Not that I was consciously looking .. just the way it's worked out.

I gave another book away a couple of days ago. There'd been a very mild run of coincidences and as he believes that there's something more to life than is instantly obvious too I thought he might like to have a read. Told him about the synchronicity too .. which ended up with him telling me something about green tea which was cool to know and which I had been wondering about.

It can be a bit of a diuretic!!! lol!!!!

Still a bit tired but the pain relief has helped with the pain .. will go out for a while .. have rested for most of the day.