Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Anyway .. off to bed now. Been talking a lot about family today .. not so much my own .. though have been on the phone to my brother .. he sounded tired. He has a spray for his asthma so I looked it up and for this spray .. another corticosteroid like my prednisolone .. there was a warning .. that though they weren't as damaging as use by spray as by mouth long term use could cause bone loss. He's going to ask about that. I found that bit of information when googling symbicort .. the brand name of the medication he's taking .. could be worth a chat.

Yeah .. today was pretty much a family day all round. with a bit of weather and the CERN experiment thrown in for good measure. Was hoping it would be a dry day today .. cause someone had told me it was meant to be .. but after yesterday evening's downpour I had started to wonder!!! It was nice after a cool start.

And a bit of a chat about leaving and me meds.

I went for healing this afternoon too but didn't talk about that though it was an interesting experience with someone different doing the healing .. well, the second time they've done it. Interesting.

Have thought about that a bit though not talked about it at all. I don't much I guess. She was nice and though I was really too late still saw me afterwards .. hope I gave her good feedback. Think she was happy with what I had to say. Don't generally talk about the healing .. the least effect it can really have is some kind of placebo effect I guess. Which may change the way you approach things.

Off to try to get some sleep anyway .. am still very tired. Not surprizing with the illnessess and medication I guess.