Saturday, November 01, 2008


I don't want to insult the guy who told the story about his wife and the butterflies by saying he's not telling the truth and I do, actually, believe this story . but .. I don't know him so he's not a friend but he didn't have any obvious ulterior motive to lie, and, in this book, in the main, people are anonymous. There are a few celeb stories told intermittantly throughout the book . have to say I didn't like the way this was done and felt that they were trying to market the book on these stories which I thought wasn't great for a spiritual book. Would've made me think twice about buying it usually .. but, maybe it wasn't the author's idea to do that .. and at £1.99 it would be well worth it anyway both for the time it kept me occupied reading it and also the time spent thinking about it afterwards if nothing else. It's turned out to be a good book, though, that little publishers ploy could've left it on the shelf as far as I was concerned.

Ah ... I've just found out why the lady might've thought so much of the butterfly brushimg against her face.

It is a lovely book and I'm so glad I did potter into The Works and find it.