Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Christmas is different this year .. because I'm aware of how differently I felt to this time last year. I did believe in life after death last year but not to the extent that I do this year. That's not quite the right way of putting it I guess. I couldn't see how what had been happening could mean anything else but I still felt that I needed more to go on. The last experience was very poignant .. but very exact .. very sad though .. but right on the button.

I read some of the ADC book this morning again ..mainly about dreams .. I very rarely remember my dreams so it was quite strange territory to me. It's such a nice book .. maybe a touch naive in one or two places .. but nice.

I would like to know more about peoples experiences in this way and I expect I shall in time .. some from people I meet and some that I read that strike a chord with me. As such a large proportion of the population are said to have these types of experiences I shouldn't be disappointed!!!!! I believe the book was written in Birmingham .. so I wonder if those experiences came from there.

I'll be asking around more when I get back I guess too .. will join what I can etc. As such a large percntage of the population are said to have them are said to have these and/or related experiences I should be ok .. most people must have had them or through the web of human relationships know people we're or have been close to who have.

I haven't read the Sunday Times supplement article yet .. it's here next to me .. though I have glanced through it. I was glad that I spotted it on the trolley .. it was a bit more of an antidote to what I had been reading. That guy really did get to me for some reason or other .. or, was I just coming down with the flu!!! .. no, I think he got to me .. I just couldn't make it all out.

I haven't had a NDE myself but I have known two people who have .. one quite recently and one many many years ago. Still haven't had an OBE either but I'd rather not have one than experience sleep paralysis to try to have one. Still, my book is by my bed for when I return .. lol!!! Maybe I'll give it a go this time. I believe there are other ways.

Now I'm more curious about what it's all about .. love is the immediate answer I guess .. and that is a very practicle answer. I don't suppose I'll ever get to know any more while I'm in this form so to speak anymore than anyone else will. The last experience .. and it appears an ADC .. I'll ask other people what they would classify it as .. was just so poignant .. and right on the button. I'm not so much just wanting more and more experiences though I still would like them ofcourse but my mind is now wondering about it all more .. what can there be over the other side .. how do we live there .. what do we do .. are we just consciousness.

Right ... going to get some soup .. soon be time for me last meds.

As they are part of my latest experience I will tell them and show them I guess .. it'll give people something to think about for sure .. but it is so poignant. I am hoping that it will help one person in other ways too.

Off to sleep now.