Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well, just having a mug of soup and then off. Someone told me about a few of their experiences which was interesting. Haven't experienced anything like that myself.

In this case I didn't want to ask many questions cause i think that would've upset her. They are very common though aren't they ... lol!!! This was something new to think about though. Well, newish .. I hadn't thought much about it before.

I think I might try for an OBE if and when I get better. Would give me a much better idea of what they are I think than just going by other peoples experiences of them. Very interesting though.

And the mysteries that surround why is there anything at all.

And peoples varying experiences that tie in.

It seems experiences of one kind or another are very, very common so you can't really go wrong. I laughed when I realized just how common today. Someone else, without knowing I was interested, told me about another one today .. though this could've been something that she'd had as a memory from many, many, many years ago .. but the odds are somewhat against it, though not totally by any means.

And Darwin looking out there and wondering. A bit differently from me cause the times are different I guess.

I'll always be interested. I have decided that, logically, it certainly looks as if life following life is a great possibility.

And, on that basis, i'm now not worried about passing over. What's it like. Who would be there to meet me. What's this amazing relaxation that people talk about. OK, not all the NDEs are like that all the way through. I think the Buddhists noted this back when their book of Living and Dying was written and, from all accounts, that has remained the same. I got a Buddhist book on sleeping and dreaming that looks very interesting and a nice read from the charity bookshop at the hospital today.

I have wondered who I'll meet and what you do and how different is it from here. Not a clue.

This is what my mind has pulled up from all I've experienced, from what I've read and what people have told me.

The funny thing i've noticed from some people who say they don't believe in anything like this is that they often focus more on the fact that they don't believe than on anything there is out there to study.

I think Richard Dawkins just doesn't believe in religion .. he's still able to look at it all from wondering if the personality goes on fron this plane of existance .. though with difficulty ... lol!!!! I would like to have a long, deep and meaningful chat with him about it all .. just to see what he thinks face to face rather than through the pages of a book or watching or listening too an interview. Some people have said that he doesn't really listen but just counteracts argument with mechanical argument. That he is no different from people who feel the other way around and have no room to manoever.

Anyway, I've got some very different experiences to think about. It would be more interesting if I'd had one of myself because it would give me a base to look at theirs from.

I still have a lot to look at. It's all out there. To be honest I don't think i'll learn anymore from either of the last two people who told me anything. One because she doesn't know anymore and the other cause she dosn't want to tell anymore cause it's getting too far into her personal life. think i'll turn out to be right there.

Anyway .. i'm turning in.

Fascinates me that there are so many of these type of experiences out there. I know the teeniest, tiniest amount of them .. and it can't be much more I guess ever here. I've made my mind up which seems the most likely to be so.

I'm a bit nearer to finding out about something that would help a lot in my quest .. it makes it more probable but not a certainty so I'm not that excited .. cept the more I know about all the separate little subjects the more likely it is to be ok. If only I'd stayed on the phone a bit longer .. both times!!!! Still, I'm nearer getting to know someone who knew them quite well and I've spoken to someone who knew them through work. It looks more probable that it is ok .. but it might not be!!!! lol!!!

Best to rely etc ...etc. Though this is part of my experiences .. I just got off the phone twice when I shouldn't've have done without asking more questions. Sigh. I would be as certain as I could be if I knew the answer. Along with all the other things it would be pretty good on the logic side even if it was just theorizing from the evidence.

I might start a notebook soon .. still haven't done that. Said years ago I thought that it was a good idea to and some of my friends have of their families and friends experiences. I've forgotten some of mine but not to worry .. it's been quite a while all in all so it's not surprizing. Will illustrate it too. It'll be nice and very spiritual.

Hope I eventually find somewhere where they discuss things like this a lot .. very spiritual things. Not topics like The Secret and how that can work for you .. though ofcourse if people want to do that fine .. but it's not for me .. it's a personal choice. I don't believe in it, from what I've read and been told about it. I do think that it might be a good dollop of psychology though a bit like the book I mentioned ages ago by a psychologist who showed how some people saw opportunities and some didn't. It was something about whether people saw themselves as lucky or unlucky .. it was quite amazing really. Ofcourse you still had to work hard and study if it was about work Interesting sounding book. Don't know if it was down to how much interest you had in things and your concentration.

It wasn't about making the universe work for you though. I might be wrong but I don't think that works .. if it did the world would be rather different. I've always said that about that kind of thing. Don't believe in magic. Blogged about that countless times .. believe in some psychology that if the person knows about something it can affect the way they see things and what they do. But that's just what I believe .. won't influence anyone else .. because they'll believe it if they want to. Anyway good magic is just like prayer really .. asking for something from the god/goddess of your choice/universe by ritual. Whether you clasp your hands together in prayer or use herbs if you're asking for good health for someone or something similar it's the same kind of thing.

It's just a different religion.

I believe the secret gets filed with new agey stuff. Actually, thinking that makes me think I might ask someone if he believes in it ... but I bet he's never read it or anything about it!!!! lol!!!

I don't know .. is there a lot of stuff about building self esteem etc in it rather than connections with the universe. I don't think it's his type of book anyway. I've been tempted out of curiousity just to see what it says and how it's all been put together .. but never actually curious enough to buy it ... lol!!!! Though i expect other people love the book .. a matter of choice and belief. For some reason or other it just doesn't appeal to me at all but I know that some other people must love it

Anyway, I'm off to bed.