Thursday, January 15, 2009


Muscles still on the move which is making things pretty diffiult at times .. but my breathing has changed a lot and is much deeper .. so things are really notieably moving .. it just takes so long.

Had a good day at the hospital on Tuesday .. got given some bookmarks whih was really nice .. I shared them with some people at my GPs cause I was there later that day .. thought it might cheer them up a bit!!! And I think it did!!! Will also be having my hair done there in a fortnight's time as it helps the nurses with their work if it's tidier. One of the nurses used to be a hairdresser .. she was the one who cut it last time. Think I mentioned it here when she did it. Was a bit worried about having it cut the first time but am looking forward to it now. Ofcourse it's really better if I have it done at the hospital cause me scalp's a bit delicate cause of the auto immune illness.

I left much later than I intended to cause I met quite a few people I knew. Well, a ouple of hours. Was nice to know how people are getting on.

Still reading mybook .. though just a few pages at a time cause it's quite heavy going if yiou're not sleeping much. It's not really in the line of textbook physics etc which is what I was hoping but is more a social history of how things were in academia at that time and how difficult it could be to get original ideas off the ground. though having said that .. everything has to start somewhere and there are so many ideas that met with a lot of opposion in the history of science. Things stood a better chance though if they were very straightforward and had experiments to back them up in a linear fashion from a to b. If there was a lot of experimentation to be done and there was a lot of inclusion of other ideas to be tried and tested it could be much harder to get them off the ground beause people wanted to do things where there was a chance of good results I guess.

The book suggests that people would have to put their own ideas and interests to one side to get work and promotion and eventually they would be drawn into the system and start to forget about ideas and a working life outside it.

There is scientific disussion along the way but not much of it .. but, then I'm not all that far into the book yet .. but, I've a feeling that's how it's going to be. At the moment it's just telling the story of how a collection of physicists, biologists, soial scientists and economists came together to discuss diversity and complexity in their subjects .. trying to show that things aren't quite as simple as it was sometimes thought they were. That things didn't constantly run in straightforward patterns or lines.