Tuesday, March 24, 2009

and again

Got a mug of soup cooling. Had to talk to another friend about someone too last night which I didn't enjoy doing because I believe this person is ill rather than just malicious .. whereas I think Plan B .. you're a nice woman woman is malicious .. nothing more to it. She would be guilty in law .. sigh .. how much of that has gone to the back of my mind .. but she has a guilty mind ... mens rea .. the condition of malice aforethought along with her having committed a guilty act .. the actus reus.

This other woman I'm not so sure of though she knows to a degree certainly because she was removing the posts from a bit of her profilr which showed she'd been somewhere she, really shouldn't have if we were to believe what she'd said in good faith. This isn't the same site as Plan B woman ... something totally different. Shows though that she knows what she's doing .. and why I guess .. no guilty feelings or the where I've been links wouldn't've been removed daily. She could actually remove the whole thing so nobody would be any the wiser but I guess she doesn't know how. I've had to tell someone what was happening or she could find herself in a sticky situation.

I'm not sure if there is something mentally wrong with this one though. She did something that I had to get someone to have a word with her about because it could have caused mucho trouble .. to her this time. Had to tell her cause this was quite serious. I'm not sure if it was a "cunning ploy" ...lol ... that she hadn't thought through .. sigh .. or if she was just attention seeking and knew that someone would notice it relatively quickly.

She could just be drunk .. it's a possibility.

So, I had to put myself out there yet again .. but better than galloping in like a knightess on her trusty stead once things had already started going wrong I guess.