Saturday, April 11, 2009


Off to bed in about three quarters of an hour .. I promise .. or, I'll do me best anyway.

Me friend still won't let go .. but she really needs to. It's for her friend .. and now I know more I really understand .. but she doesn't need to be doing this .. she's almost 80, works very hard .. mainly work that benefits other people .. and she needs to enjoy herself when she's not working in my opinion not haunt her nasty ex friend.

And really I don't think that she should be thinking of writing a book. She says she's tired and sometimes she sounds it. She'll be back in hospital if she doesn't slow down.

I understand how she feels now that I know more. Still. she needn't worry .. E is setting herself up for quite a big fall on the ball. She's trying to make friends with someone whose friend I know who won't be very pleased, shall we say, when she finds out the truth. She's just making mistake after mistake already. I bet she's been doing this all her life .. we think she's in her 60s .. and all I can say, in her case, practice doesn't make perfect.

I'll never get why she told me about her new profile .. wonder what story she had concocted to explain why her two best friends didn't know about it and I did.

I suppose knowing a secret like THAT .. lol .. would have kept us fwends fer eva .. or on the other hand, put me in a very difficult position with other people that I know.

Don't know what she was aiming for and I didn't bother to find out.

Anyway, I suppose this is going to run and run .. for a little while anyway.

But .. I do wish my friend would just let go. I said to her just be thankful that she's gone now and u and the other woman can have your friendship how it should be now without all her moaning, lying and manipulation etc. I just couldn't believe the extent of the moaning .. lol!!! .. blimey, heaven knows what she'll do when she does have something to moan about in her life .. say if she does get ill herself.

Got a few books from The Works today .. one about life after death .. think that's what it's called!!! £1.99 .. and it looks like an interesting read. Probably be the last book I buy on the subject .. unless something new is discovered.

I've had another cold .. and have been bleeding rather a lot with it .. and there's been quite a lot of extra pain in the mornings but I think it's coming to and end now .. was told at the hospital that there was a heavy cold going round .. guess this is it. Four days of sneezes .. only one a day .. but imagine what that would've been like a few months ago.

Needless to say I haven't been doing me languages. But I will start soon .. not much point at the moment. Will start reading me new book too. Will take it to bed to read while I'm sitting up waiting for the bone sparing pill to settle for the half hour before I can take/eat/drink anything else but water.

I meditated for about ten minutes and did a very simple version of EFT afterwards .. hadn't been doing that either cause of the cold.

Anyway .. off to bed as soon as I've finished me soup.