Friday, May 01, 2009


Well, she's in much better form this afternoon .. so U guess we can say it could be partially down to a glass or two of wine in the evenings and then not feeling too well ijn the mornings sometimes. I've noticed that saturday and sunday mornings are really bad. A couple of nights afo she'd forgotten what her meds were for .. well, except the antidepressants which she remembered cause the other woman .. other sis .. takes them too. She only takes 4 kinds of pills .. and this kind of forgetfulness is happening a lot now. Lucky she had emails to back up what she was saying before really.

I did talk to her about it this time .. I know .. sigh .. but hopefully it'll help if this new woman turns out to be another E or something along those lines.

I'm getting really fed up with it all to be honest and just wish they'd go to the guvnors .. even if they didn't ban E they'd keep an eye on her.

All she needs to do with the new woman is be guarded in what she says.

Anyway .. she's back.

I guess if you are starting to lose your memory a couple of glasses of wine could make it quite a bit worse.

See how things go. She's enjoying the Sherlocking though. Not quite the point maybe .. really catching E out and telling the guvnors is the point .. still, at least she's understood about this new woman now and the need to be careful.