Sunday, October 18, 2009


It's interesting to try and work out where religion and science meet and divide. People who've read the ADC book will know that the pope has said that he believes .. but then that is part of the foundation of the religion I guess.

Just meandering cause someone asked me yesterday and I looked through the book to find the page about it again this morning. I gave a copy of that book to a priest I knew .. one of the copies I'd bought from The Works .. after reading that .. wasn't quite sure if it fitted in with his beliefs or not before.

Also talked about people who lie like this big time. I said that they twist things up so much in their minds that I guess the brain must start to physically respond in that way for as long as they do it. Heaven knows what sort of emotions it generates.

It's still being questioned how much is nurture and how much is hardwired in. Also how much is hardwired in while the brain is growing and how much is basic. Can it be temporary or not?

It's part of the epigenetics study I guess.

Or in more detail
