Saturday, November 22, 2008


Am off out soon .. still not feeling very good .. think it is a cold as I'm still rather snuffly .. had quite a runny nose yesterday too at times.

But am feeling better than I was when I got up. Think I will be able to do some sorting .. we shall see how the day goes.

I could've gone out this evening but decided not to as you had to say you were going in advance and I really didn't know if I'd be up to it or not .. seems I made the right decision.

Am going out for a little while .. have no idea what the temperature's like out there but have put some thermals on just incase it is cold .. don't want to make myself any worse. Might get some Strepsils .. someone said that they thought their colds went quicker now they'd started sucking those .. so I'll give them a go .. do they just stop some bacteria getting a hold maybe. Apparently cumin seed tea is said to help too again as an antiseptic I guess.

Crush a teaspoon of dried cumin seeds and soak them in a cup of boiling water for around 15/20 minutes and then drain and drink.

It seems that they can help indigestion too and help you sleep and with the absorbtion of iron. Also an soothe mouth ulcers .. though not the sort of problems I get with my illness unfortunately as far as the mucous membranes go.

Still I think I'll try them along with the strepsils. I should imagine the tea will be fine with my meds but I'll ask on Tuesday when I'm seeing a doc at the hospital. I think grapefruit has been mentioned as being contra indicated with one of them but it is with a few medicines .. haven't touched it anyway since I found out that there was a link with it and breast cancer in post menopausal women. It's worth checking on these things though.

Anyway .. I'm going to take me next lot of meds and see if I'm ok to go out.