Sunday, December 21, 2008


Popped some gifts off this evening instead of going to my meeting. Someone I'd met in hospital was coming over from Coventry to see someone and I went over to see them all .. decided to drop off a few more odds and ends too.

I hadn't given someone a birthday present a few months ago and time had pottered on .. I saw the perfect pressie in The Works a few days ago .. phoned up to make sure he hadn't got it .. fortunately ... no .. it's now his. Well, as near to the perfect pressie as I could get in this respect at the moment (as far as I know) .. maybe sometime later something more indepth will come out again .. the last was a BBC tape .. his broke a couple of years ago and he couldn't get a replacement.

Anyway, guess that's this evening taken care of for some folks. I had to potter off .. not my cup of tea anyway .. though very pleased that I found it. I know slightly more than I did cause I've looked it up on the net .. still feel the same but then no reason why we should have the same tastes.

He was going to save it for Christmas .. after all what's a few days when you're months late .. but it was obvious that this wasn't going to happen by the time I left.

The Works is brilliant.