Sunday, December 21, 2008


Well, it was very difficult to se where one prophecy ended and another one started to get the full number he'd said he had and some of the detailed ones hadn't happened. As for the Ronald Regan one .. he'd won the California govenorship in 1970, run for the Republican presidential nomination in 1974 and right from the early 60s had often worn cowboy clothes in his political life so why on earth the guy only thought of Robert Redford is difficult to fathom. Mr Regan was in the public eye throughout this time. He was a guy who wanted to be president very much and was elected in 1980. And, what's more, the author appears to be suggesting that his angelic teachers mislead him!!!!!

I have to say that I'm personally happy that WW111 hasn't happened but a bit bemused that these spiritual beings would be so out on that one.

Will be going back to have a closer look later.

Have to get ready to go out now.