Sunday, May 03, 2009


I'm tired .. but I went to bed too late last night .. tonight I'll try and get that sorted again .. otherwise I still feel reasonable .. for me that is .. which isn't good .. but better than before. I still feel as if a few days sleep would be very nice!!!!!!!!!

Sheeesh .. dunno about the majority of people but I'm glad the government are preparing for a panademic. I somehow suspect that those yelling media hype would be the same yelling that the government aren't doing enough if they were saying business as usual.

It also means that the WHO should be ignored too. But, hey, why not. It's a new strain of the virus that has affected people badly and statistics are different from the usual flu statistics .. who knows what the situation would be now without anti viral drugs and masks and containment.

I'm glad that the world has reacted the way it has .. would've preferred the government to be totally ready for a possible panademic .. enough anti viral drugs ready and masks.

During the time people were worrying about the bird flu I remember it being discussed that there should be emergency manufacturing of anti viral meds andI'm sure that the government was meant to be ordering in tons of masks.

Anyway, this bug seems to be reacting well to anti viral drugs.

The Independent's front page yesterday was something about people saying that this flu outbreak had been over hyped by the media. I'm just very glad that the WHO and governments are acting as if there is a panademic round the corner .. it looks like it's those precautions that have slowed the outbreak down and saved lives so far.