Sunday, October 18, 2009


Though one good thing did come out of my reading DB's book and that was that you really do have to ground yourself as far as your inner cynic goes. My shock made me push my experiences away regardless of what anyone said.

The bad thing is that it still affects me .. the disbelief that he was lying after I'd thought that I'd bought a book by someone who was telling the truth. I knew that as far as I could after reading quite a bit and listening to people that NDEs are real so I had no reason to doubt him so he seemed like a friend through experience. He talked about the love etc that other people talked about and which, in a different way, I'd experienced myself.

And it really looked as if he was telling the truth .. there was no reason to doubt him if you had reason to believe in spirit.

I guess everyone's spiritual journey is their own. I have no idea what the spirit plane is like .. I said a long time ago that I believed we experience it in ways that maybe we can't on this plane ... in some ways ... so therefore some of it is totally outside of my understanding. But that we can understand it all in spirit.

Um .. whatever ... er .. um!!!