Saturday, March 27, 2010


The district nurse was here yesterday and offered me a hospital bed .. you know one that you can raise the top of so that you don't have to pull yourself up. I sleep sitting up anyway .. so I left it .. or, in hospital jargon .. declined it!!! Am going to have some cushions to make things a bit easier though.

Even after all that time in hospital my meds aren't sorted yet .. still a lot to do .. think I know what I might try next .. or suggest anyway .. I'm not the doc so I'm just going by experience. Not too keen but a very small dose might be worth trying so I'll talk to them about it.

Forgot to ask my GP about the Fortisips though I brought a few back with me. Only seem to have cyclizine here too when I was on two different anti nausea pills in hospital on the day I was discharged. Guess they thought the cyclizine will be enough now. Or, if I need more than one .. was on three at one time .. best to see a doctor.

Makes sense really.