Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gudbye purple flutterbyes .. or, not

Me diary dated back a while so it's sad to see it go .. can't remember how long it'd been going when I mentioned it on here .. well, obviously I know when I started it .. but I can't remember when I posted about it here and I'm not bothering to read back to find out .. but it was quite a while cause I lost the password for ages.

Well, to delete or not .. Goodbye purple flutterbyes .. I love the butterfly background .. but called it flutterbyes instead of butterflies cause u could flutterbye and write if u wanted .. well, once I let people know it was there. And .. after I refound me password!!! Almost a year between one entry and another!!! lol!!!

But, I don't use it now cause I write on other peoples journals and diaries etc and I'm part of a journal that has a lot of people writing where I can write privately to keep in touch instead of using me own diary. Shared diaries are good.

I doubt if I'll use it again.

So .. goodbye purple flutterbyes .. just pop over to another blog to say when it's going incase anyone wants to save it .. then .. bye bye. Saved here for all the lovely messages on it.

Or ..........

Shall I keep it as it is still on line ..........

Cause of all the lovely messages on it.

Hello purple flutterbyes.