Monday, May 26, 2008

Night time

Well .. off now!! Eleven minutes to go as I promised to be in bed by midnight .. I've got another dose of oramorph to take and hopefully that will knock me out for a while .. really depends on my pain levels to how long I sleep without waking.

Will try and do about ten minutes meditation before sleep .. but I might just dose off while meditation .. it won't be the first time. I'll be lying down ready for sleep. I don't do the lotus position or anything like that anymore .. well, I couldn't now even if I wanted too.

I got a leaflet at the hospital last time I was there with a few yoga exercices on them .. yoga at your desk or something that looked interesting. You just never know .. best to look at everything that might be useful. Anyway I picked up a few different leaflets to have a read of.

Started looking at my language books again the other day .. just a page a day or something I thought.

Wondered whether to try and combine it with meditation .. the more relaxed the easier to learn I should think.

It's been an interesting day really .. but .. look .. only two mins to go ......!!!!!!!!