Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Stayed in this afternoon

Got me shopping in but didn't go down to service because it was raining too heavily .. it is absolutely pelting down .. I guess I could've got a taxi and then a lift back but decided not to. I was looking forward to going as well but I'll go on Friday if the weather's ok or Saturday as well as Sunday .. but I was hoping to go today. There is a workshop on Saturday next but I reckon I've missed that cause the tickets usually sell out quickly and it lasts for five hours too which I think I would find a bit difficult.

Today is shopping day when I get food in just incase I can't get out in the week but 'm hoping to be able to do without that soon .. I have the Fortesips and I can keep veg and meals in the freezer along with long life soya milk, cereals etc in the cupboards.

I got the info from the library yesterday about being somewhere with more help .. haven't read it yet but when I have I'll look further into it. I don't think living like this is helping my health at all. I got the cream from the chemists today so'll be giving that a go .. you never know. Took a vitamin pill today too .. just a low dose multivit containing the days recommended dose to see if that ill help. I will discuss me back at the hospital tomorrow. I guess it could be a slight problem that goes with the auto immune illness . Anyway there's no pain or itchyness there. The centre and outsides are healing slightly differently. The nurse showed me a photo on the web .. I'll ask her about it again when I see her next week as I don't know what to search under. Though her search drew up a horse with the condition for her first picture .. we studied it hard as naturally the horse had rather hairy legs .. and it wasn't so easy to see .. especially as this was my first look at something like this!!!

I was on one site that estimated that over 8,000,000 people have skin problems in the UK. I guess dermatology is very topical now because of the risk of skin cancer. I usually put up the link to the British Association of Dermatologists when talking about things like this .. my illness can be solar induced as can lupus which is apparently becoming more common in the western world. I noticed a few weeks ago they had a few posters up from another group .. because there's A Walk for Skin charity appeal going on. They've walked here and in London .. it sounds as if it was fun.

It's The British Skin Foundation

and B.A.D give info on sun awareness too

It might not have been the sun, but that can be a factor, and you never know these days, do you.

I now feel sad that I didn't go this arvo .. but, never mind. It really was raining hard. And people were worried last week because they felt it was a bit damp for me to be pottering out and about in. Wasn't really raining though .. sure has been today though.