Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pitter patter .. pitter patter!!!!

It's raining .. well, naturally. When isn't it these days .. or, at least looking as if it's going to. Still gotta go though.

Not to worry though .. it's not too far. I can remember hen I first got this illness and walking down to the docs in the rain and getting wet feet. My feet suffered that day. It was the time when I'd started blistering very easily. All the medication keeps that at bay to certain extent now. I can remember writing about having a blister the size of a hen's egg on the side of one foot. It was just while I was waiting for diagnosis I think. Had to go to hospital to have some biopsies done though they were pretty certain what had happened when they saw the problems. As I said it's a bit like rheumatoid thritis but happens to the in too. And like EB the condition the young woman had who died a few weeks ago here. The woman I met out gave me butterfly pins for my lapel from DebRA the charity that helps people with EB. The illnesses are quite similar though with EB it's more often present from birth and is a problem with the skin rather than the immune system attacking the wrong things .. my illness develops because the immune system attacks more than it should be .. just like in rheumatoid arthritis .. and generally develops in older people .. generally over 50. I was very grateful that I met the woman though. I've, since then, met Gina's brother who is an inspiration. He's quite a bit younger than me and has another related illness and is amazing.

Looks a bit brighter out there now .. when I say a bit .. I mean .. a bit!!! lol!!! It's still raining though. Fingers crossed eh!!!

Blimey .. blue sky .. well, a titchy, teeny bit .. in comparrison to the clouds.

Must dash!!!