Saturday, October 11, 2008


Well, so far so good .. but I guess things could still go wrong .. my insides still feel more under presure than usual so I guess I've still got to wait and see what happens as far as the cold goes. Mouth still much better though. Guess if I stay out of hospital this time it'll be the first time where I've been sneezing like this and with an obvious cold that I haven't ended up back on the ward since the muscle and bone problems started. I seem to be lasting out longer anyway.

Was reading about a new form of pain relief that's in the pipeline which worls by stopping neurons in the brain from transmitting pain signals. It appears to work better and for longer than morphine. Going to take time to see if it lives up to its promise and is suitable for people to use.

Sounds good though.

Anyway .. it usually takes me quite a few days to get over a bout of extra pain and sickness .. and though it hasn't got that far yet .. I guess this will take the same amount of time to recover from even if it doesn't get that bad. I'm tired this morning too as I didn't get much sleep last night .. though did stay in bed resting til late and did do about twenty minutes meditation which was nice and relaxing.

Going to take my rubbish down then go out for a little while .. then I'll see how I feel .. not going to overdo things.

Right .. take a bit more oramorph. I'm taking my full dose at the moment .. don't always .. but today I'm going for it. Got some pink ibuprofen pills again too .. just take one of those at a time instead of the two little white ones. They're not the only pink pills I have .. the soluble prednisolone mouthwash ones are pink too .. though not quite as vibrant as the ibuprofen .. nor as large .. though they take ages to disolve .. they're tiny but take longer than the fizzy paracetamol!!!!

Anyway .. gonna sort out here and get my rubbish down to the bins and then go out for awhile .. would like to do more but not sure that I'm up to it.