Saturday, October 11, 2008


Well .. still here. You know last time I thought that I was going to get through the cold without having to go into hospital as an in patient. I got up that morning to go in for my out patient appointment with no idea that I would soon be ringing for an ambulance again. My face was quite swollen but, if I remember correctly, there were no other warnings. Things were ok until I sneezed again. And then .. the spasms started .. and everything else followed as usual. I still waited a few minutes before calling an ambulance .. around ten if I remember rightly .. hoping that it would stop .. called the ambulance when I realised that it was a repeat of the other occasions ,, infact it was worse than the others had been as far as the pain was concerned.

So .... I've no idea what to expect this time. I hoped, last time, that after a few days sneezing, that my bug was on the way out without me having to go into hospital cause before I'd had to call an ambulance after the first sneeze had started the spasms off. Last time it took three days of sneeezing and I was in more pain than the other times when it did finally start though the sickness stopped sooner.

I dunno .. just have to wait and see what happens.

I know that last time it was probable that I'd caught a nasty bug that had a lot of the ambulance guys in Coventry laid off. So maybe I did manage to hold out for a surprizingly long time considering it was a really nasty bug. And, it was longer than usual .. and a couple of weeks longer than the usual length of times between admissions.

Held out for longer with the sneezing again .. though it's not very long since my last admission .. still recovering from that really.

So will just have to see what happens. I am quite surprized that the sneezing hasn't landed me back in hospital though.

Time to go to turn in .. hopefully when I get up I'll be coldfree and able to do a bit of work round here!!!

Pleased that I got the rubbish down yesterday.