Friday, May 15, 2009


I've decided to up my protein intake a little .. there's room for more as I veer towards the lower end of the recommended daily protein intake .. a change to go along with drinking my teas and meditating!! Just been thinking about it and thought it might be worth a try. My body tries very hard to mend the damage the illnesses are causing .. over and over and over again. I'll up it by about 10g. I have to make sure I'm having enough calories to see me through the day too or my body might start using some of the protein as energy.

Just have to try and balance things out.

See if that helps any.

I'm doing me daily garlic clove with me liquorice teas for me blood pressure .. though I doubt if I need it with that little amount of liquorice going in .. though it seems to have had a better effect than the sweets .. maybe it's just the way I'm metabolizing things. My doctor likes to repeat over and over about individual response.

Those are the changes for now .. see what happens.

Haven't done my meditation today yet .. but I will .. infact will do it now .. just 10/15 minutes at the moment.

Did around 15 minutes.

I'm often not too keen when I start off .. feel that I'd rather be doing something else .... but .... after meditating .... often feel like doing more. Guess I've just got to get used to doing it .. it's pretty much a break from my usual routine these days.

I'm going to do some stretching exercises too this evening .. for about five minutes.