Friday, August 21, 2009

Missed the bodgers!!!

Didn't make it to The Works to have a peek at their books today. I'm so pleased with the books I've picked up there and at the charity shops here. All packed and ready to go .. there're people looking forward to reading the ones that are new to them. Well, there are some I've still got to read!!! lol!!! Thanks very much to the people who donated them to the charity shops .. wish we could've met. As you probably realised there wasn't too much involved discussion where I used to go as the interest really only revolved around one aspect. Though having said that I'm very, very .. very .. pleased that I went. I came away with more knowledge than I went there with.

I have kind of proof now .. though I could've doctored it .. though there is some that I couldn't unless I have some pretty interesting people on my pay roll ... lol!!! I've sent the material proof to a friend for safe keeping. Did mess it up a bit by leaving the badgers in the shop but it still tells the correct story!!! If only I'd checked what it was all about before leaving the shop. Didn't really expect anything so interesting anyway. Should've gone back later first thing before anyone else had the chance to buy them .. they'd all been together as a little group. Still there you go.

Anyway .. they're with a friend now.

Have to say it's been very interesting. The books have been marvellous. Has been so good to have The Works here. Also helped me prove that I really was interested and willing to put time etc into learning rather than expecting everything on a plate.

Hope, if you've read the books .. or similar .. they've helped any interest you have. I've tried to show you how important it is not to be conned. The books I've mentioned that I liked really help .. um .. well, I think so anyway. lol!!

There is one person I would dearly like to meet .. could've done last year but had hoped that I would've left by the time he came here. Read something he'd written and I thought .. oooh .. er .. but. I now know that this can happen ... sigh!!!!

It was just apres flu and my immediate reaction was that I'd made a muistake .. but I'd near enough searched and I was far from having had a temperature of five billion and three if you know what I mean. I would've had to've tried very, very, very hard to make a mistake of this proportion just like he and his fella would've done .. it should've been impossible really. Well, it was boardering on the impossible and I was very taken aback. Wasn't too happy about it cause this time I couldn't begin to explain it in any kind of scientific terms or any other terms.

Um .. er .. just it was.

Anyway .. for those interested there's plenty of reading matter out there to give a good foundation if you have a real, humane and spiritual interest amd are interested in the same things I am. Tried to tell you to be careful and why.

I made the right decision not to say more than I have about my own experiences .. if I'd said more for it to've continued it'd've had to change because people would've tried to alter things and I wouldn't've been sure what was real and what wasn't in some respects. I would've been sad if things had had to change during my time here as far as that went.

It was also cool that I didn't have anything that I could really point to and say .. wow, look at this until now .. though I've messed one bit of it up a little.

Anyway, all that's in the care of my friend. I suppose my stories might end up in research with lots of other peoples. I've still got interesting books to read meself.