Tuesday, October 14, 2008


A tiring day .. woke up tired .. hadn't taken my oramorph before going to bed last night .. then didn't wake up during the night so didn't get to take any then .. didn't have a bottle by the bed so wasn't feeling at all good when I got up .. and for some reason or other .. like yesterday .. the knees were aching a lot again though that did wear off pretty quickly.

Mouth still a lot better though .. painful but not so sloughy.

Had a bit of a panic in the afternoon when I thought that I'd lost some of my MST200s .. thought that I might have thrown them away when I'd been sorting out the day before. I could remember taking them out of a bag and putting them on the sofa .. but they weren't there anymore.. so I wondered if I'd got them caught up with the paper I'd moved from the sofa and thrown them away.

Panic .. Panic .. PANIC!!!!!!!

The MSTs are controlled pain relief and if they're lost I have to report to the police station and had thoughts of me going down there and having to have someone try and get the bag, which was way down in one of the bins, out so that we could try and find them. Anyway .. before I went down there I noticed them on the table, where I must have put them the night before, after I moved them off the sofa.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now. Just had a warming mug of soup and am ready to turn in. Have taken me oramorph .. which has probably made me even sleepier .. tends to if I'm already very tired .. and won't forget to take the bottle and a glass with me tonight.