Monday, October 13, 2008


It was interesting that someone thought that the therapy might work through mirror neurons. I was reading a discussion about how it might work on one of the other sites that I found. I thought that the pressure from tapping wouldn't stimulate the accupressure points enough anyway cause I always thought that there had to be reasonably firm pressure even though how much varies from country to country where forms of accupunture/pressure have evolved.

It's strange .. a lot of accupuressure points have been found to be more richly supplied with nerve endings than the surrounding areas and so would be thought to provide a better release of pain release chemicals from the brain .. but the benefits of using the points are much the same as using other areas. One study in Germany found that accupunture helped twice as many people with chronic back pain using non-points and recognised points than did using more conventional treatments such as medication and heat therapy .. half were helped using accupuncture as opposed to quarter using other methods. I wonder what medication the people were on .. if they were opiates why should stimulating the brain to produce its own opiates .. you'd think in very large amounts .. be more effective than taking them.

Anyway, I'll go with the EFT therapy .. at least it gives you a routine to keep up with .. maybe it'll help with the pain a bit .. won't find out until I try .. will start it as part of a routine with about fifteen minutes meditation tomorrow. I'm tired today .. woke up with very achey joints .. hope I haven't got another cold .. I didn't sleep so well again last night. Mouth still much better though. Am listening to some binaural beats for meditation. I read somewhere that tuning into theta beats can make the brain rest as if you've been asleep .. I guess you have to be resting while you listen though .. and with headphones .. even so it won't be quite the same as sleep .. but good rest anyway. They're meant to help with learning too .. very young children tend to spend more of their time in a theta state which is why it's thought they're able to learn things more easily at that age.

Anyway .. I'm off to do a bit more sorting out now. Well, got me meds to take. I still don't feel that I'm over the cold but I still can't believe that I'm not in hospital because of it. Hope I'm not coming down with another. Maybe it's just having one so soon after the chest infection.