Monday, July 20, 2009


The Secret. Sssshhhh .. it doesn't work .. for most people .. BUT .. if you buy this new book apparently you'll be taught the things that were left out of the first book so that you can have success with the first book.

I knows this cause I got an email from people who teach The Secret and write books about The Law of Attraction to tell me.

I'd've thought that they could've put up a website and just explained the new revelations to people so that people who'd bought The Secret could've come along and updated like they do with some academic books for free .. no need to go down to the local bookshop and buy another book.

My mistake.

A couple of weeks late I got another email asking if I'd like to go on one of their courses How to get rich quick .. or something like that. Cost of the course? I feel like saying have a guess and then telling you tomorrow. But, I won't. It was ... ONLY ... $2,000.

I know a few people who believed in The Law of Attraction .. the last two? One's just had an appaling tragedy in her family life. This happemed a few months ago. A couple of months ago she agreed to help out someone she knows from her past by taking this woman's son in for a while to give him some stability. She's not got much money but gave him around £250 all in all for his phone so he could stay in touch with people plus a phone. Literally all she could afford. When he realized that there was no more money coming he left taking some of her things with him. She called him on the phone. When he realised it was her he told her to go off and die .. the first word was rather different from the one I've used.

She was still defending this book while all this was going on. It seems some people just close their minds to what is going on round them. I think she's changed her mind though.

The other one has lost his job and his girlfriend. He didn't want either thing to happen.

There are ways apparently that can help you see opportunities where you possibly wouldn't've been able to once. Wrote about it on the blog once, maybe twice I think. It has nothing to do with secret laws of the universe .. just psychology. Can't remember what it was called now but there was a TV programme based round it and it was written by a guy who teaches at one of the universities here.