Monday, September 10, 2007

Well, I am up!!! Pills taken and marked off. I'm on a higher dose of morphine now but will be going to the Pain Clinic soon because my doc doesn't want to put the MST up any higher at the moment because it can have a sudden rush on effect where you become very tired. I'm on a high dose now and am still getting a lot of breakthrough pain.

Room is sorted out. Interesting thing: I gave a few things for schools. Not much .. but I was asked if I'd donate a few books etc if I didn't want them. So I gave a couple of arty things, a budget cd rom from Woolies "31 different languages" cause I had 2 .. I like looking through it and had misplaced my first one but found it again, a City and Guilds physiotherapy book, some notepads and a couple of other things.

Do the schools really want books and cd roms etc that much.

Had to look the number of different languages up incase I got it muddled with the number of different nerve endings from the spine as they'd been very much on my mind too and similar.

I was surprized that they wanted them but was told that they would like things that were educational. Someone said that it was like Christmas. There you go. I suppose it was because it was different from what they have.

I almost had the City and Guilds book back as it was for an older age group .. college rather than school I thought .. but was told no, they'd like that too .. and had, infact, said before, that it looked very interesting. And, so it is.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Not been a good start to the day as far as pain goes and I've had to take rather a lot of oramorph to go with the MST. Will be in contact with my doc soon.

There's been a lot of movement and sounds as things change around but the pain that's gone with it has been difficult .. so out with the oramorph .. and .. that has started to help now. And now that the pain's receded a bit I can appreciate some of the jokes and funny things that've drifted before my eyes on the net today.

Other problems? Well, words are still running into each other a bit. Whoosh .. like the sound of the wind they're gone and I don't always catch on to them. Think that's due to muscle movement around the ears but I'm ok most of the time in a slow conversation and don't have to ask people to repeat things too often. Sound is softer too so things can go past me right now without me hearing if it's more like background noise. The tinitus isn't so bad though .. no more bagpipe sounds .. don't know what was going on round the eardrums that day. It's cleared up though. Strangely it was quite melodic as has been other kinds of tinitus I've had as the muscles have shifted position a little around the ears.

Music: I kept on bursting into songs from South Pacific and My Fair Lady yesterday cause of a game that's on one of the boards I visit. Otherwise things've been a bit quiet.

It's been a pleasant day here weatherwise. There's a glimpse of the sun shining through the clouds now.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Took the first of the extra MST pills a couple of hours ago so that's 300 both morning and evening as a plateau for the other pain relief. I take a 200 and a 100 pill now. See how that goes once it's built up over a couple of days but I guess it'll have to go up more while all this is being sorted out.

My doc cleared up some of my questions about dosage that had worried me so that's alright now.

I slept through last night fine but things were painful this morning and I was very pleased knowing that I had the new MST ordered.

Read some of a massage book last night reading about the pairs of nerve endings coming out from the spine. Kinda skim read it but will go back and read it more throughly later on. Reminded me of reading earlier this week in the news of a dentist who's offering his patients massage amongst other things. I was trying to remember what therapy my dentist offered to people who got nervous about going to the dentists but couldn't.

Monday, September 03, 2007


Lots of dozing again after a bit of a disturbed night. I wasn't too well and got to sleep later than I expected too.

Had a doctor's appointment today and had my MST raised again.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Been dozing most of the day. Just off to get me meds fer tonight and things ready for tomorrow morning.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Board hopping

I think I'll join another couple of boards. Just tiptoe in with a post here and there. There was a bit of a blow up at one over the last few days and through that I kinda got to know them through what happened.

Still be a newbie so to speak but not feeling quite so much of one as if I'd joined a few weeks before.


Didn't sleep Thursday night so was rather bleary yesterday. I was in quite a lot of pain and for some reason or other the pain relief didn't do its usual job and let me go to sleep. Usually the morphine etc plus being still lets me drift off.

Yesterday I rested for a lot of the day then went down the docs .. and managed to walk back. Chatted on the phone a while .. had dinner .. then turned in and did get some rest this time .. well, slept through the night.

Quite a lot of pain this morning so bunged up with pain relief. I don't know why it seems to work so much better some times than others but I guess it's something to do with how the muscles are getting on and would be more to do with the amount of pain I'm in than the medication.

Anyway .. just going to take my steroids and get something to eat. I've eaten a breakfast bar. Dunno why but I still haven't got much of an appetite.

Grey here today .. maybe I missed the sunny intervals. Quite pleasant though .. not cold at all.