Monday, November 30, 2009

Nice creative commons music site

Off to the surgery again and then on to Tesco this afternoon. Wasn't sure about Tesco to start off with but I'm glad that I went even though it wasn't that easy on the way back. I could feel that things had loosened up a bit more though .. the most obvious since all this began by a long way. There was much more movement when I was breathing. It feels really strange now and it was quite difficult getting back so I was glad that I hadn't decided to set off for Clapham. Wasn't too tempted today but things were still so much better than last Wednesday. Actually almost decided not to go to Tesco too but I'm glad I went.

Ate nearly all my dinner too and drunk the protein drink!!!!

And listened to some nice music from what has to be up there in the best of the creative commons music sites.

It's free unless you want to use it commercially.

There's a page on the healing powers of music on the site too.

More to read in their wiki that looks interesting too

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Right, going to do dinner now!!!! And, yes, it's the same as nearly always but I'm adding a banana this evening!!! Bought a bag of them yesterday to encourage me to eat a bit more fruit. They were reduced so no dithering .. I either eat them or lose them and they're well fine enough for cooking. Well, they're fine anyway. Last time I added them to the meal they sweetened it up and encouraged me to eat it. I sometimes leave my dinner and just go for a protein drink instead.

Anyway, off to cook!!! I've got a few tins of veggie sausages and beans, tinned carrots and peeled tomatoes in. I just add them to some wholemeal spaghetti I've cooked.

Someone suggested that I liquidise it if I don't feel like eating dinner. I suppose it'd just be like soup and could be quite nice.

I haven't got a blender so it won't be tonight. Looks like I'll be going for the banana option.

Banned and ????

I won't write anymore about it here cause it looks like it's going to become a legal matter. Or, could do. It's not long since someone was sent down for something similar.


Oh well, I've just heard they've been banned from the site .. because they'd been doing exactly the same somewhere else. We did think of reporting them, maybe should have done. One of my friends has just contacted some other people they'd been talking to so I guess we'll soon find out about it all.


All I know now is that they were just trying to mess up things other people had going on.

Anyway, they've gone. I suppose blocking us was their last act on the site!!! Seems they'd known for a few days that it was likely that they would be banned.

Is that the time?????

Settling down to get anything done unless you really have to is often quite difficult ... understatement of the year .. so I was pleased to read this article. I've read a few before but haven't really connected to them.. Of course there are always exceptions for some of the things he writes .. say, for instance, that you need to look something up that is going to be a long running theme in what you're doing .. you have no option but to look it up or you're going to be re=writing half of what you've written if you've got your facts wrong. Still, what he said can be a very good piece of advice in other circumstances.

And, I do like the Q10 writer

I liked it the best of the ones I tried. There was another tempting one but there was a problem with the font size which they haven't got around to correcting yet. They do know about it so maybe they'll soon sort it out .. though it's all done for free in his own time so it all depends when he's got the time and feels like doing it.

This one is nice too

I've often left things a bit late or got distracted. It's so easy. Found the article very good .. should read it a few times so it sticks in my mind.


Well, they came back so they were just told that they needed to see a psychiatrist if they kept on lying and treating someone who was so ill like that for no reason at all. I told them they seemed to live on another planet .... Uranus .. and seemed to be totally up it .. as in the saying .. up their own a**e or whatever it is.

We have been blocked now ... lol!!!!!!

I doubt if 10% of what they said was the truth. Well, possibly 0%!!!!!

If one lie didn't work they were soon back with another and then couldn't understand why we didn't believe them and their elastic goalposts.

I don't think they'll be back.

Anyway .. have done lots of work, one way or another, over the last couple of days .. though still haven't tried for an OBE. Maybe, I won't ... been putting it off for about 10 years now .. think that was round about when I first found out about them.


I left some of my meds to too late yesterday so decided not to take them .. much too strong a dose. It meant that I didn't feel too good though as it's still better to take them than not even though they're not that effective anymore. I do finally have an appointment with the people who'll help sort that out as much as they can and I do have another appointment soon that's been brought forward.

Tired today ... I expect that it's the meds that have made me so sleepy .. there's been quite a bit of muscle movement too. I can feel the difference .. more movement. It's been most noticeable on my left side.

Obviously didn't go out this morning. Don't think that I would even if I'd not left the pills out yesterday. Turns out that I know someone who knows people who sometimes go too. Used to work and play sports with them and there are other people with relatives who've been to one of the local ones at some time or another It had kinda gone out of my mind for a while but I'll go back eventually Keeps me focused.

As for going over to Tesco .. a couple more tins of veggie sausages and beans or something .. don't think I will cause I can hear the cars whooooshing past in the rain.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Must remember to use spellcheck guv(e)!!!! Though it might be more interesting without it.


Mouse is still here .. though encouraged to stay in one place as much as possible while s/he's in so I can clean up after him/her. S/he's quite noisy and likes yogurt. I would quite like him or her as a pet but I guess it's best to give him or her his or her freedom. It's possible that the little creature will only be here for the winter months .. though guess it's also possible that s/he'll stay around for the yogurt ... lol!!!


I do need to do some more reading ... looks at the five million or so pages on the web ... lol!!! Well, it's a bit of an exaggeration .. but I'm starting to feel that I'm stagnating a bit and that my friends are doing more than me. I'm not really putting enough into it.

I realized that last night when I heard that my other friend had an OBE.

I'll go back to Pim's work to start off again I think.

As soon as I'm well enough I'll go back on Sundays too .. but at the moment I just don't feel up to it.

Might even choose a book a month to buy as well.

I'm aware that there are people who won't believe .. the truth is if you don't believe from the evidence out there then it's going to take something that hasn't happened yet to change your mind.

And. obviously, anything I say, without a lie detector test, will just be seen as one more lie or misguided belief. It's totally illogical .. or a lie .. to say anything else as I told the person I mentioned before. Haven't heard from them since. Don't know quite what they were playing at .. but if they had been really interested in trying to find out about this then they've kinda messed up as when they could've been learning they wasted the time lying, manipulating and constantly moaning and groaning.

Anyway, they've vanished into the ether.

But, that aside, I must do a bit more so that I understand more. Everyone else is contributing more than me.

California's free textbooks

Couldn't get a picture over at NASA in the end and did think about going back today to try again .. but think I'll leave it.

Regardless of technical difficulties the net's amazing though I was listening to a short talk this morning where someone was saying that they think that it won't be all that long before something else more solid takes it's place which doesn't have so many problems and that we'll wonder how we ever managed to use something like it. Wonder how long it'll take.

I've downloaded California's free school text books today to have a look through, Had looked at the site some time ago but hadn't looked at the books. They, like that other site, have released them under a creative commons licence.

Have glanced through one of them and it seemed fine.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Slow motion

Dunno how long I've been asleep, but just woken up. Can't remember thinking that I was going to sleep for a while .. but dozed off anyway. Didn't realize that I was so tired.

Been on NASA's site .. watched a good video there but the quality was so bad that it was difficult to keep watching it .. but the content was good.

I'd gone over to see something else .. which I had trouble with too.

There they are exploring the far corners of the universe, finding the earliest galaxies in it .... but

(Well, hope it's better now!!)

Nice lecture


I found something new out about the net on Wednesday too .. well, new for me, seemed that a lot of other people I know knew .. which wasn't surprizing I guess. You just never stop learning on the net, do you.

I also found a few free, donated by the authors, books on OBE. More to read and build up a good base of knowledge. It's a slow job building up a picture of the whole .. well, it is about any subject. but this is harder because there's still so much research to be done. But without learning you get nothing because you just don't have a good enough knowledge base for something that isn't tangeable,

Two of my friends have had OBEs now. The mind is so complex. One said to me that they weren't even really sure if they'd experienced the same process. Maybe not .. but, whatecer, it's a very common thing to happen.

I would like to achieve it, partially to see how it appears to fit in to a mind/body separation but also cause I think it could be very relaxing.

Apparently I should be able to borrow some books to do some research if I want. I did chat about the British Library today but don't think I'm well enough to sit and read in the reading rooms at the moment even if I did get up there. Seems there might be other paths to follow though.


After Wednesday I really wasn't sure about walking to the doc's but as it turned out things were back much the same as they usually are now. Wednesday was very difficult and I was only managing four or five steps at a time without having to stop .. and those few steps were pushing it. Don't think the wind was helping either .. have noticed that before that it can affect my breathing when I'm having a lot of problems.

Anyway, while I didn't exactly bound up the street, I got to the docs in a reasonable time .. think it'd taken me almost half an hour on Wednesday though I was a bit quicker on the way back. Today I went to Clapham and back too.

Must say it's a very nice practice and on Wednesday I was given some very good advice which has made me decide that there's no way I will have that treatment unless the corticosteroids are taken right out .. no little additions .. nothing. I'd already decided that it would have to be a comparatively minute amount compared to what they were going to give me .. no more than the top dose of my oral medication .. but know I've decided that it will be zilch .. especially after the problems I had walking on Wednesday .. it's definitely no go.

Anyway, I'm really surprized .. it's difficult to tell just walking around the house and I was half expecting to have the same problems that I did on Wednesday .. well, just didn't know .. but it was just as if Wednesday hadn't happened.


I used to be a member of The British Library, not much point now with my mobility problems, and I've wondered for a while why they don't have some kind of digital service for at least part of the library. This kind of digital information doesn't seem to be made available in this country though. You'd think it would be to help people as much as possible.

The internet's amazing anyway .. you can never be bored. There never seem to be enough hours in the day as it turned up more and more ..... and more. There's always lots more to find .. and lots more to read.

First page I clicked to reaf on the site .. is this .. brings back a lot of memories of the time.


One link I clicked on was to an ad though I have to say that it looked a very good product .. a series of on line blues guitar lessons which sounded almost like having the teacher there with you.

Anyway, seems a nice site.

There's just so much to keep you occupied.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Google's books

I was reading about Google's new library in the early hours of this morning and discovered that their on line library of out of print books is only going to be available to people in America.

"We'll also be offering libraries, universities and other organizations the ability to purchase institutional subscriptions, which will give users access to the complete text of millions of titles (of out of print books) while compensating authors and publishers for the service. Students and researchers will have access to an electronic library that combines the collections of many of the top universities across the country. Public and university libraries in the US will also be able to offer terminals where readers can access the full text of out of print books for free".

They're still in the process of sorting this out for the US and have said that they hope to be able to have international agreements with countries all over the world.

Reminds me of a site accessed from Orange where you could only have full access to the music offered there if you lived in the US .. was to do with an agreement like this so didn't matter if you were an Orange customer or not.

I hope they're in the process of sorting out agreements all over the world too. Or will be soon.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Rather tired today .. it's the muscle movement again. They're loosening up a little around my ribcage which is making breathing deeper and walking harder while my body gets used to the changes. I just have no idea how it's going to affect me from day to day. Wasn't more painful .. thought it would be given the problems it was causing but maybe the muscles have loosened up slightly before and that's covering what's happened today as far as pain goes.

Have slept on and off during the day but I think it's just the changes in my muscles that are making me feel so sleepy .. not surprising really I guess.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

J and E

Awwwwww!!! Missing Jedward so soon??? Of course ... naturally. First time I'd seen the show and they brought a smile to my face every time they appeared. OK .. maybe they needed a bit of coaching to sing and dance a bit more in unison and harmony .. now and then. I'd walk over to watch when John and Edward were on .. well, because it was just so much fun but would be away from the TV just listening to the rest of the show for the most part.. and I'd catch bum notes from other singers that people intent on watching often seemed to miss. Cept from Joe generally and I'd think that sometimes the music would over ride peoples voices or there was a bit of flatness to it that people weren't so aware of when the people were performing but were more likely to notice in later snippets.

The twins just used to cheer me up and bring a smile to my face and they did sound alright quite a bit of the time too .. which I thought was amazing really considering they were generally racing round the stage, hoping to keep in time and harmonize with each other doing something they'd only had a few days to get together in front of a live audience in a nationwide talent show .. at 17. Having had no real training as far as I know.

It's strange, but I seem to remember the kind of controversy that's sprung up around them around Robbie Williams when he left Take That. Like The X Factor and it's orchestrated backing, even for rock songs, Take That isn't my type of music and I wouldn't've known anything about Robbie Williams .. would probably just about heard of the band. Might be passionate about music .. but only music I like and I can remember wondering just why people were saying all this about RW .. it all sounded a bit odd to me .. saying .. um .. that he'd never make it as a solo artist and that the rest of the band had kept him together all the time.

Well, as it turned out ..................

Yeah .. missing them all ready.


For some reason or other some things seem to be improving, Not as far as walking goes .. but my games are moving a little faster than they were and my interests are ,, well, interesting me more again. Haven't any idea why. Yesterday wasn't too good though I was up and about more than I usually am these days. Decided to stay in today though I was told that it was really nice out there again. So mild .. I guess that breeze had gone .. thought it was yesterday evening. I thought it was nice here yesterday .. even with the little bit of rain and the breeze ,, when the sun was out you could really feel the heat from it. I sheltered from the rain on my way back but the heavier rain didn't last for long .. I'd walked back during the light showers but decided to take shelter when it started to pour, Five/ten minutes later I was walking back with the warm sun helping me on my way. Needed the encouragement a bit I guess. Whatever .. I was glad the rain had stopped.

Don't really know where things will go from here .. it's nice feeling a bit better .. sitting down .. would nice if it'd soon be more comfortable walking around too.

Mustn't complain though.

common sense

I read about 30 mins of things to do with life after death studies a day .. well, read is probably the wrong word as it's read and think. I read the skeptics viewpoints as well as those of people who aren't.

I bought two videos yesterday from a charity shop which are about animal senses .. the videos were called the paranormal senses of animals or something like that and I read bits here and there about physics and just put it all together and think it over. I don't think about my own experiences that much to be honest .. though I'm getting that sorted out to send to places to add to the ever growing pile of things to investigate.

The least they do is point out that it looks as if there's something going on that is different to what is normally apparent. To me it means that we have a soul .. though other people might disagree .. and probably will. But that's the way it looks to me. There is probably more on the button evidence out there .. but I've interpreted it to mean that. I have proof for myself .. but not for anyone else .. which is why I want the lie detector test. It's strange though .. even with that I still get so much comfort out of Emma's book.

Already I can see who's going to benefit from it and that's the people who've understood that just shoving more info out there isn't going to do a whole lot .. they'll just try and find more ways to moan and complain. That's one thing that I have had proved over the years. lol!!

Get this .. there's mounds of info out there .. only your little bit will do .. moan groan .. moan .. moan .. moan..

So nothing anyone else says means anything .. lol!!! How strange calling everyone else liars .. they're obviously wanting to add anyone to the list to make it 100% in their minds. You meet them .. not many .. but they have agendas that don't have anything to do with believing there's life after death, or, as someone else said today, they believe that they have more power than spirit. Wouldn't think they do for a minute .. think it's a totally different concept where love wins out.

My friends are sorting my experiences out .. I'm happy to have a lie detector test around what I say.

Was talking to someone today who'd had a NDE and a few linked in experiences and he said you always meet a few people who have no concept of a soul or they think spirit is weaker than them and they always play games. Lots of people might not believe but they still have an open mind. I think the only reason they don't believe is because it's not been studied seriously really .. too much attention revolves around the stagey side of it .. there should be more what ifs and maybes because the truth is that we really have no idea at all about the reality of how all this could be here .. just a bit about the universe. He also told me that lots of people don't want to talk about their experiences outside of their own families .. often not even to friends .. they are part of their inner private lives. Another reason is that they're too special and valuable to have rubbished by people when they concern people they love a lot who've passed over. I've no argument with that .. hopefully things will change though.

I, like lots of people who've had a NDE, think there's life after death and we do have a spirit .. a soul.

I still haven't had an OBE .. but haven't tried. I've a couple of binaural beats compositions that are meant to help .. don't know if it will for me though. I think I might subconsciously not be too keen to let go. But I might give it a go. My friend is happy with her experiences.

My belief is that people just view things through their own beliefs. Just like some people have been found to be lying on one side of these beliefs as I've pointed out .. the same has apparently been found on the skeptics side too leading to the close of one organization founded with the sole intent to disprove anything along the lines of the "paranormal"

It does make it difficult and I do agree that it's hardly worth bothering to tell anyone about them in the midst of all this.

I think a sane way into the subject is through Emma's book and Pim's research. OK .. it's subjective .. you have to form your own opinions because obviously it is a matter of opinion because there's nothing that can say for sure one way or another .. but after burrowing I would be very surprised if I found out there wasn't.

You just have to read the info .. well, as much of it as you can get through in the time you can spare and decide on the basis of what you have read and what you and your friends/family etc know.

If you have a closed mind .. don't see how you can unless you know something about the universe etc that I don't .. by logic it has to stay open. Richard Dawkins who is a skeptic .. if you didn't know that ... lol!! says something along those lines. I av read some of 'is books!!! .. then you have a closed mind. Don't think most people do though.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Not a bad day, eh.

Was out today .. in the rain .. for a little while .. and then the sun came out. Wasn't as nice as I'd heard it'd been .. but even with the coolish breeze and the spot of rain it was still a nice day to be out.

Have sorted out most of me food for the week .. so was quite busy. Wondered if I'd done too much the second time I went out .. but really things were quite changeable while I was walking and sometimes my breathing meant I had to stop and rest a bit more than I'd hoped but then things improved again.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Lovely start to the day .. very mild again .. so I thought that I might go out for a while. Everyone's been saying how warm it is but I've had to make the most of it from indoors as I've not been feeling that well. I'd had another cold which had left me shivering rather than making the most of the warm days. I really hadm't much idea just how mild it was til I went to the docs on Friday .. said how warm it was and was told that it'd been warmer that week.

It's still mild .. though not sure if the temperature's dropped a bit since this morning .. and it looks nice out there again .. but, an hour or so ago it was pouring with rain and we had some thunder and lightening cracking and rolling through the rain storm.

It's going to be mild for a few more days at least.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

http:// http://

Have removed the extra http:// from me last link again. We have a little link box to use with Blogger that pops up with http:// already there so every time you use it you have to remember to take the http:// out or you're left with two at the beginning of the address!!

Youm as-sabt

Not sure what is going on with the hospital so I'll have to give them a call on Monday .. maybe they're waiting til I go in for my appointment before I go to see the other departments too .. I haven't the slightest idea .. so'll have to have a word with them,

Been dozing .. chatting to friends .. marhaba .. masaa alkhair .. and learning a bit more about the computer .. just have to pick it up as you go along!!! lol!!! I've got today's lesson ok but have been glancing at some of the titles of how to do it and programming manuals .. just the titles look complicated!!!!

As far as computers go it'll be great when this site has it's computer books up and running.


I know that I'll never learn anything more .. or not much more than very basic stuff but I guess it would be nice to have books there when I'm feeling curious. You never know .. it's curiousity and interest that really help me to learn. I guess the less interested I am the harder it is to learn. If I'm really interested .. curiousity and being interested just keep me coming back to find out more and I tend to remember it better.Salam.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


One thing that's nice about the net is getting to know people in lots of different countries, It's nice being able to speak English too cause you often meet people who can speak English even though you can't speak their language.

Going back to that site .. it seems to cover everything .. personally I don't believe in physical manifestations .. i.e .. Sylvia Browne's ectoplasm etc .. think that kind of thing was just brought in for effect and a good stage show. If it was true how came she and others who have experienced it .. and it was experienced in front of a lot of people .. haven't left anything for science.

It's this kind of thing that really annoys me. I mean I know it couldn't be otherwise cause that's just the way things are. It gets in the way of people who are serious. Luckily I don't feel the way I used to when I first thought that DB had been seriously ill and then come out with all that rubbish. I just couldn't understand how someone who'd been in that position could do that .. but then it turned out that he hadn't. Well, nothing like he said he had.

The thing is that science knows that some of it can happen. The other truth is that there is no explanation of how come there is anything at all. I mean .. it is so puzzling. OK .. there's the universe and other universes .. tries hard not to make any scientific jokes here .. waves to friends ... lol!!! But .. just how come there is anything, anywhere for them to emerge from and into. Why and how is there anything at all.

Why is quantum mechanics so mysterious. Things are far, far different from how those scientists at the end of the 19thC who thought they'd discovered everything there was to know scientifically saw things.

I don't understand why people push things that obviously aren't true!!! It's no comfort .. in fact I've found it does the opposite .. and I believe in life after death. So, heaven knows what it does to people who are undecided.

It's also an example of how people can say anything .. which is why I'd eventually like a lie detector test .. or two. Think other people should be happy to take them too .. brain imaging .. experts in the field .. there are enough ways that all together would give an accurate picture.

Also I think that experts involved in this line of research should give guidelines on how they'd like evidence presented. It should be more scientifically approached from the start and people should know it.

I Wonder what DB et al think now they're getting older too. Don't suppose they have any belief in a soul at all which can't be very comforting .. and they must be surrounded .. to some extent .. by people like them .. from what I've read this appears to be true. Kinda put themselves in that position though, haven't they.

I've been very ill ... still am .. it'd be easy to make up a story .. especially as I've sometimes been in a lot of pain .. about angels etc and write a book .. but what help would that be to me. And, obviously, in my state of health and at my age, I don't want to be closing my mind to the possibility that we do have a soul .. which lying in that way would kinda do.

It's much nicer to have an open mind and comfort at this time of your life. Which only the truth could bring.

Still, lots of people are telling the truth. I think that was obvious in Emma's book. No stagey higgeldy jiggery there on the whole. No need for there to be. You just have to start with an open mind and then use common sense to decide whether people could be telling the truth or not,

I still love the butterfly story.


Been reading through this site .. a couple of my friends are going to read the other book and they'll tell me what it's about. Anyway, found this

which has plenty to read.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Magna's Tunes

Magnatune is another independent label. You can listen to all their music online .. they give a free song of the day and there's a cd of meditation music to download for free.

Song of the day is operatic today .. the Phiharmonia Baroque's version of part of Francesco Scarlatti's Cecilian Vespers but they cover a lot of different types of music. They're quite new agey based though.

Found them ages ago but haven't listened for a while but pottered back last night


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Been quite tired and've spent my non dozing time seeing what other people are reading. A lot seem interested in the same type of subjects that I am within a broadish spectrum .. But usually they seem to have a much deeper interest in computers than I do as well!!! lol!!! Not that I wouldn't like to know .. but I know it's not going to happen

Monday, November 16, 2009


I have a friend who has lots of friends in Morocco .. and decided to learn Arabic as he'd been invited out to visit. He learnt Standard Arabic then found when he got there that he couldn't always understand what people were saying. This is because spoken Arabic in Morocco is a bit different from Standard Arabic.

He gave up but is just about to have another go.

The Madina videos are about Modern Standard Arabic which is the written form of Arabic which nearly everyone in the Arabic World will understand, will be similar to the various dialects and is the main written form.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Got a bit of a bug .. noticed a couple of days ago that I'd got a slightly raw tummy but thought it was something to do with my illness .. but looks like I've a cold. What with the weather as well .. I decided to stay in and rest.

Got a letter from the hospital bringing my appointment forward .. I couldn't have the last treatment they offered me but the doctor did say he'd try and alter it a bit for me. Guess this is about that.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The missing link!!!!!

Nah .. that wasn't a good link .. too many pages missing. There are some good links out there. Don't know what had happened to that book in the archive .. but some of it's pages hadn't been copied. Hadn't seen the book before.

Emma's book etc

Emma mentioned in her book that so many people who wrote into her didn't expect to be believed. Her book is just about a study she did at university. I still think It's a really good book. Don't know if I'd've read it if it hadn't turned up at The Works .. just drew my attention to it.

I love the butterfly story. It's certainly something that would make a person take notice. Lovely book. Certainly one story that's a bit iffy .. but most of them ring true.

Still loads to read ... but maybe she'll bring another book out soon.

There's still so much to read anyway .. lots much better than anything I've got to say!! But I'm still going to take my stories to people who are studying these things .. you never know there might be a clue there. I realise it's difficult to believe .. which is why I would like a lie detector test .. show I'm serious. I realise it's a difficult subject to study too because of the amount of games people play round it. Still see if I can establish that I'm serious about it .. at the moment it;s just another story which the people know if it's the truth or not!!

But having said that .. millions of people have these experiences so there's plenty out there if you're willing to spend a little time. Must be places to join if you're really interested too. Depends if you're really interested. Lot's of people investigating out there. Should be interesting and fun.

Emma's book is really great.

Still haven't tried the OBE beats .. there seem to be quite a few around .. both with music and just the beats

Remember unison

Talking about binaural beats .. which I was a couple of days ago reminded me of and I wondered if they still had the free download to listen to. They do plus some samples to listen to.

I've read that it's recommended that recommend that if you suffer from epilepsy that you shouldn't listen to binaural beats. Ah .. it says to contact your GP if you have epilepsy before using the products on this site.

RIGHT click on Free download.

If you'd like to listen to some samples go to their Listen page where you can play them on Quicktime. Each sample is two minutes long.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Not that anyone's in a rush of course .. cause they're still busy with the alphabet .. and learning the written forms of the letters ,.. we reckon that should keep everyone going for the next couple of weeks!!!

I will try and get everything sorted out in the next week though. It's not the easiest of alphabets to write and pronounce. Still I think the alphabet songs are great. Was it just over a week ago I said I'd help my friends? They're doing well. You often learn the letters in little groups .. but they're just working their way through with the help of the songs and a page from the net which shows the written forms.

Some of the alphabet songs sound a bit different because they are pronounced with a different accent. It doesn't really matter as we're learning Classical Arabic .. you can learn the colloquial forms later if you want. lol!!!

As for the life after death studies .. well .. the more we read the more there is put up to take it's place .. so it seems that there'll always be plenty to learn. One of my friends has just had an OBE .. didn't last long as she got a bit flustered and it stopped. I've found some binaural beats that are meant to help you achieve an OBE .. but I haven't tried them yet!!!

Basically you get back what you put into it I guess.

As I said .. if you're interested there's enough to keep you busy for as long as you want!!!


Been quite tired today though did potter out to the shops this evening .to stock up on the usual things a bit.

Haven't sorted the Arabic stuff out quite yet but I'm getting there .. just trying ti remember what things are called and what'll be useful.

So why not have a musical interlude while you're waiting.


An independent label in The Netherlands is celebrating 5 years of music .. click on link and then click on free downloads. Or there might be something more to your taste over at the Free Music Archive mentioned on their site. There's plenty on the internet archive site too. Shame I was never really into The Grateful Dead .. but there you go. Lots of people were so I expect they enjoy that .#

There's so much free music out now thanks to the net. Just been listening to a drum solo that was quite hypnotic.

I'll sort the Arabic out .. it'll help me trying trying to explain!!! lol!!!

Monday, November 09, 2009


I'll sort the other stuff out tomorrow. I just had those links to hand.


Lost interest in the software .. thought I probably would. Was just rather taken by it for a while .. but I'd've probably never've used it. Wish I could design things like that though .. must be lots of fun. Been asking quite a bit about computers over the past couple of weeks .. not learning to do that much more .. just talking about it really.

Have some free Arabic language stuff that I'll put links up to soon. Some are Arabic grammar text books so you need to be able to speak a bit of Arabic but there is some English/Arabic stuff. Some's on the net archives site.

Went to the docs this morning. They're going to contact the hospital.

Saturday, November 07, 2009


10 t0 15 mins .. and done!!!


I suppose it'll take me a few months to earn the piece of software she's written .. an incentive to be part of her community and work hard. Maybe I'll change my mind .. doesn't worry me one way or another as far as the software goes really .. but it seems a nice idea. Wish that I was computer savy enough to write my own software .. but that's never going to happen.

Not been a very good day health wise. Will phone the hospital up on Monday. Had something that I wanted to add on Friday but didn't get round to calling again.

Will do about 10 to 15 minutes of meditation before turning in .. or, resting ,, whichever way it goes. Been a busy day, all things considered. Sorted some things out and have done a lot of thinking.


There's a bit of software I liked the sound of that I found on the net. Have just found out that if I do a bit of work I can have it for free which is good news. Hopefully it'll be interesting too. I know I'll appreciate it much more this way and it works well both ways.

Interesting who you meet on the web as you trundle around!!!

It's cool meeting people who'll share their own work like this or even give it to you for free, I'm quite happy to work and join in for however long it takes and will be happy to get to know the people too. Always have to be careful that it's kosher etc. Can take a bit of time .. and I take it .. lol!!!

Wrote about Quantum Mechanics years ago on the blog and've been making references to it ever since .. it's just a branch of physics .. very interesting though.

The question I find the most perplexing is .. Why is there anything at all .. you know why is there a place for the universe to exist in the first place? Beyond understanding at the present time I guess. Way out of reach Astounding that it is all here though.

Friday, November 06, 2009

The Horizon programme

The Horizon programme

I was wondering just what might be found out through quantum theory that isn't even thought of now.

Thought the "The Secret You" and "Fix Me" sound interesting too. Well .. they all do.


Should've read .. it's allowed us to make the best predictions we've ever made .. over edited spelling mistake!!! lol


Just listening to the last Horizon .. about black holes .. some of the most mysterious things in the universe.

Someone said to me that science is about posing questions to be answered. At the end of the 19th century or there abouts some scientists thought they'd learnt all there was to know but really they were just at the start of a whole new way of approaching things.

I love the quote in this programme about quantum mechanics .. "This subatomic world that quantum mechanics describes is nothing like the world we experience. Quantum mechanics tells us how the world works at a fundamental level and it is stranger than you could imagine. In the quantum world the mere act of observing changes what you see. You can't say where something is .. only where it's likely to be and anything that is possible, no matter how unlikely, happens all the time. All our notions about how things behave changed. For example an object has a known location. I'm here, you're there but at a quantum mechanical scale objects can be at many different places at the same time literally. Yet strange as the world of quantum mechanics is theorists believe it is the true nature of reality. Quantum mechanics is so weird it may sound like science fiction but it's not science fiction, it's science fact and it's done better than any other idea in physics. It's allowed us to make the best predictions we've ever made so like it or not it describes the world"

Again the programme is full of the idea that this is the whole truth .. this happens so often in physics. At the end of the 19th century some scientists believed they knew everything about science and that there was no more to learn when really they were just on the brink of a whole new era. It's possible they thought this because they couldn't envisage the way methods of investigating things would change and improve, But it seems that many things are put forward as the possible theory of everything. Even the word "everything" is puzzling .. everything in the universe etc? Outside the universe?

I mean are there things that we can't even imagine. Should imagine that there must be.

I suspect so.

Anyway .. I had no idea it was on til yesterday when I was told. Had I seen it? Um, no .. as usual!!! lol!!

Thursday, November 05, 2009


Anyway .. there is more movement .. carrying the things back helps .. though I did let someone help carry me food back the other day. Had a slight cold and thought it best. Talking about food ... I totally forgot about any junk food today .. well .. puddings!!! Remembered when I got back in but it was too late by then .. lol!!!

Maybe the meditation's focusing my mind.

I do a few gentle exercises to try and help my muscles .. but it's a very slow process .. but there's definitely more movement than there was. Still, have to keep on trying.


New techniques have given more scope for discovering new ways to relieve pain and I suppose people have to get accustomed to those .. and the last few years have offered more scope .. but it appears that the amount of money given to pain research, in the US, at least, is very small. I was surprised .. had expected a bit more .. but there you go.


It would be very reassuring to find it .. bit like reading Emma's book .. it's closer somehow. It's also nice to know what you're talking about!!! lol .. rather than some study somewhere. Still, better to know that it's there than not know at all I guess. Haven't noticed anything coming up about a study that could be worrying so I guess it's all still going on .. just as a study it's not new enough to have much written about it at the moment I guess.

Will carry on trying to find it though. Hopefully I'll remember other things I was reading when I saw it which might help Googling for it.

cont ....

I wonder why there isn't some kind of centre that is just concerned with pain relief .. it seems, from what I can make out, to be a subject that has almost been pushed to the sidelines until a few years ago .. almost like a diagnostic tool rather than something that needs researching as part of medicine, All I keep on wondering is why there isn't more research and a centre dedicated to that research.

I know it's not an illness by itself but it certainly makes being ill a lot worse.

Anyway .. it seems that a way of making morphine more effective at a lower dose has been discovered which is very good news. I do wish that I could remember more about that article I read but so far nothing I've Googled has brought a link to it up,

I need to know a lot more to really understand what goes on. I'd like to learn more about the receptors .. proteins in the brain .. and how they react to analgesics. Do they all react the same .. do different ones work differently with different opiate concoctions. Though I guess knowing isn't going to make any difference!! But I feel at a bit of a loss.

I know nuffin .. well, that's not quite true anymore .. but .. almost nothing is near enough!!

It's possible that the slightly stronger ibuprofen might help.

I would like to find out more about that article I read before .. but there's so much to go through and I can't think of any words that night just single it out from all the other results.


It's going to be a long read!!!


Am waiting for a call back .. not sure if I can have the treatment that is first on the list .. though my consultant did say that he'd try to tailor it for me.

There's so much to sort out and a whole bevy of doctors involved .. it's not going to be that easy I guess.

Reading up on pain control and I guess I should be reading up more about the initial condition so that I understand just what's involved all down the line.


Well, can't find the article. There's so much about new research into pain meds out there that the research I found has got lost in it somewhere. It was a new way of controlling pain if I remember rightly .. it's a while since I read it .. and it really interested me .. sounded really good. Shame I can't find it but on the other hand it's really good seeing the other articles.

Had a call from the hospital today .. so hopefully things are moving anyway.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009


I left a note for my doc today .. have an appointment soon and decided not to make an earlier one. Have done a bit of massage .. I'm working on the idea that if visualization can help to control pain a bit .. the relaxation from doing this might have an effect too. I'm not expecting much to be honest. I'm on so much pain relief as it is .. I'm told that there're more things to try .. so we shall see. I'm not sure if something like massage can help control this type of pain but it's worth a try. Not quite sure how the visualization they teach is meant to help but apparently it lessens pain for some people.

I do know that there's a new form of pain relief in the pipeline that, when I last read about it, had few side effects, appeared to work better than morphine and isn't a medicine that you develop a tolerance to. They discovered it when researching something else I believe. I do hope that it lives up to its promise and is on the market soon. Read about the research on the net but didn't save a link or anything .. expect I'll find it again some day .. it was very interesting and good to know.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Am reading again .. it's best when I do cause it makes me feel more in touch some how. It's so easy to start feeling rather cut off from it all if I stop.

Just investigating again. I know I was reading about DB etc before .. but I'd got rather stuck there instead of moving on to new things. It's just so easy to lose touch with your own beliefs around something like this. Even if it seems silly and a bit irrational

And that's after having experiences of my own and studying it all for a few years. It's because it's not tangible I guess. Guess it's a subject there can't really be any game playing around too or you get caught up in them rather than anything else.

My own experience has shown me how hard you have to work. Which is why I'm so glad that I can go on the net and find something to read if I want to .. and that I bought the book from The Works I've mentioned that I like so much.

I've talked about all this over and over again and it's just as important as the experiences. The same would be true if I hadn't had any experiences myself .. the information would all still be there one way or another. Afraid it's hard work even if you have. The only difference is that I've had personal experience but mine aren't any more important than anyone else's. I'm afraid if you think that you're on a path to finding yourself very confused and .. obviously not believing at all .. because you're not believing anything I'm saying right from the start .. plus mine can't be the only true ones in the world!!!! Don't know what you're going to end up believing but it certainly isn't that there's life after death!!!!

And work could mean thinking about things or writing out your favourite stories or talking with other people or watching TV programmes or listening to the radio. I know somethings are harder for some people but there's always a way round it!!!

Even for me it takes a lot of work. research and thought,

Anyway, back reading again .. it's the only way!! And I'm a few years down the path. Still, I don't mind. Just reading a story here and there that you like is enough once you know how you do feel about it all but it's nice to read new things too. If it was more tangible it'd be different .. but if it was there wouldn't be this kind of mystery about it all and the need to research in the first place.

As I said .. I don't mind .. though I had got a bit distanced again


Well, I have my meds so that's ok. If it happens again I'll phone Roche up. Last time I phoned them when this happened the person I spoke to asked for my chemist's number and then phoned to arrange for Roche to send the meds I needed straight to the chemist missing out the supplier in the middle. Wasn't sure if it was this med but Googled it and found Roche saying to call them if this happened .. there was a problem at the time with supplies in lots of places for some reason or other .. and they'd sort it out .. and they did. The chemist didn't know that they offered this service. Guess it was Roche. Think I blogged about it at the time.

Have written a letter for my doc about the other problem and we'll see where we go from there.

Have been reading up a little about pain relief techniques. Not sure how they'll work with this type of pain but they're worth a try, Usually I think they use some kind of visualization techniques in Pain Clinics but I thought I'd start doing something like this.

Nice of the guy to put them up.

Monday, November 02, 2009


I'm not really sure quite what to do at the moment .. it's while my ribcage is loosening up a bit. Whether to ask for a patch so there's pain relief all through the night without me having to wake up to take it. The truth is that it's not really working very well at the moment anyway so I really need to do something. It's generally not so bad during the day cause I'm moving around and that stops things getting a bit stuck as they seem to at night if I sleep for any length of time.

I will get things moving medically again tomorrow. Left it as it seemed much better this morning than yesterday .. but it's not a good idea.

Have me list of phone numbers written out. Also have a box of pills I was prescribed by my doc before I came down .. not the gabapentin .. something that's a stronger version of ibuprofen .. might dig that out tomorrow I think.

Me spellcheck thinks gabapentin should be carbonating or compounding .. maybe I should go along with it ... lol!!! Or ... Not the carbon****g gabap****n.


Whoops .. forgot to edit blogger's extra http in the links in my last post ... lol!!!

Should hace a note posted somewhere to remind me to do it everytime.


Well, me friends are going to sort out writing things out for me .. my friend knows enough and she phones two or three times a week so there's really no problem .. they can all chat together and I can get on with me languages. And she won't feel so overloaded with things to do as she did before .. she wants to learn Arabic too and it wasn't really fair as she works. I suppose there are already enough stories out there though .. a person either accepts them, or they don't .. don't know if one more on the pile is going to make any difference. Though could be interesting.

I've just heard from an old friend from way back in the day .. someone had met him and he asked if I'd like to be in touch .. I said yes and heard from him yesterday.

He reminded me of school and the day our headmaster invited two hippies of the youth culture of the time to come in and speak to us about their view of the world. It surprised us as we all thought the head was incredibly straight laced and that he'd just never do anything like that. He was very strict and often appeared to be from what you might describe as an old school military background. Well, maybe he was and that's why he invited them in to talk to us. Whatever .. the school was a peaceful place. The guys who came in to talk to us were the first real hippies I'd knowingly seen in the flesh. Of course. there were lots of different kinds of hippies really .. these were your transendental type into yoga and meditation rather than mind altering substances.

Hippies had been around, in one guise or another, for a long time, as a friend of mine who was a beatnik used to remind me .. she'd been one of the San Fransisco hipsters of the early 1960s who were a different youth culture from the later 60's ones.

The 1940's

Just back from the docs .. was late as I'd had to be slotted in. Got to find out about some of my meds at the chemist tomorrow and if there's a problem get in touch with the hospital about them .. probably have something else prescribed until this is sorted out. I don't quite understand why there's a problem with them as I thought the patent had run out now and would have thought that more people were manufacturing them. Hopefully I'll find that it's all sorted tomorrow. Just checked .. there is another manufacturer .. just checked ... Novartis .. so why is there a problem .. both firms are major manufacturers. I'll phone the manufacturers tomorrow too .. and see what they say.

There were three main subculture groups in the 60s really .. mods, rockers and hippies. I was friends with people from all groups. Liked bikes .. liked ska and rocksteady .. and was a hippie I guess .. though I was more ur urban hippy .. some people I knew left the towns and cities to live in the country .. but a lot didn't.

Anyway, nice to hear from him after all this time ... almost 40 years!!! lol!!!

Sunday, November 01, 2009


Not really felt up to reading much on t'other subject though people still chat about it at times. Would quite like to read the book by the lady who works at the hospice but I won't. Again, if people are really interested theu can read and talk about it between themselves .. you get to know more faster that way I guess .. especially if one person reads a book maybe.

Guess that book is interesting as it's written by a lady who works in a hospice. One friend ages ago gave me a link to some nurses stories but we've lost it. Her partner's a nurse and she's told her much the same.

It's much better reading this kind of thing than having to wonder if I'm telling the truth or if my illness has altered my perception of things. Reading things by people like the lady at the hospice should be much more reassuring and collections of peoples experiences.

Dunno why but a lot of people seem to slip up quite a bit when they're lying about this topic .. there've certainly been some big mistakes and contradictions!!! It's annoying that they lie about this .. the subject's difficult enough anyway .. but that's the way things are!

They obviously don't believe in anything that they say or anything connected to it. Some people won't for all kinds of reasons .. regardless of what people say .. good or bad. I think it's difficult enough anyway .. enough things around to put doubt in your mind without people lying about it ..... whether you've had experiences or not.

One of the people who are lying is or was a very heavy drinker I've been told .. dunno about the others .. but I suppose there are all kinds of reasons. That doesn't mean that all people who drink like that would lie about this .. but I wondered in this case.



Slept in this morning .. might even have had seven or eight hours sleep. Will probably rest sitting up for a few days as my ribcage is giving me a bit more jip than usual at the moment.

I've just been over to download my words of the day .. you can download them to Realplayer if you click first on the word then record that and then on the sentence and record it. If you hover the mouse over the sentence it'll magnify it for you if you want to write it down. I find that the other two colours for the little player make the sentence easier to read anyway. If you magnify it first then you don't have to worry about keeping the mouse hovering there. The little squares in the corner change the colour of the player.

I've started two dictionaries off and I write down the little bit of grammar they give you too.

The Arabic one has the sentence partially covered this time .. for the word empty .. it changes at midnight GMT .. here .. so you have to use the on site magnifier with the mouse for this one.

We're kinda helping each other .. as usual .. which is kinda nice. Makes learning a language kinda fun .. well, learning anything kinda fun. It's all very laid back and giggly .. and there's no rush.

transparent language

I've found a site that has a word for the day with sound in quite a few languages plus a few other bits and pieces that'll help you learn a language